Teaching Assignment Course Descriptions

07-95-400 Human Movement and Aging

Course Description: This course will focus on the physiological, sensory, muscular, and cardiorespiratory mechanisms underlying age-related changes in human movement and motor control. These issues will be explored from cellular to whole-body perspectives, including current neural and mechanical approaches to aging. A special emphasis will be placed on integrating the role of physical activity in explaining age-related changes in cognitive performance, balance, posture and limb movements.

07-95-410 Adapted Physical Activity of Special Populations

Course Description: An examination of populations that have special needs in the area of physical activity (sensory, cognitive, musculoskeletal impairment). Emphasis will be placed on defining the characteristics of the population, the needs and strengths of each population, and matching the strengths with the appropriate physical activities. Issues of integration, programming, and environmental adaptation will also be considered.

07-95-491 Laboratory Experiences in Biomechanics and Ergonomics

Course Description: This advanced laboratory course will provide students with the opportunity to become familiar operating common laboratory equipment in the field of biomechanics and applied ergonomics. Practical experiences will include direct force measurements, video analysis and manual digitizing software, linear and angular kinetics/kinematics, force plate data acquisition, biomechanical analysis, and electromyography. Students will also develop the skills required to assess and modify common workstations and hand-tools found in the workplace to minimize musculoskeletal demands and help prevent injuries in the workplace.

07-95-492 Laboratory Experiences in Exercise Physiology

Course Description: The focus of this laboratory course is to apply the basic principles of human performance in the areas of exercise physiology and athletic therapy. Students will be introduced to laboratory equipment commonly used in the field of Exercise Science to measure physical fitness levels including cardiovascular and metabolism function during exercise. Students will also perform health related fitness appraisals involving screening tools, blood pressure and body composition measurements, aerobic and musculoskeletal fitness assessments and fitness program prescriptions. This course also evaluates common athletic injuries, their taping requirements and subsequent modalities, which aid in recovery.

+ Duties also included coordinating five (5) sections of this lab-based course

07-95-493 Laboratory Experiences in Motor Learning and Psychology of Physical Activity

Course Description: Advanced laboratory introducing students to common laboratory equipment and evaluation tools / checklists used to assess motor control, motor learning and sport psychology. Students will gain practical experience in applying both classical and recent methodological protocols, collecting common measurement variables and evaluating personal results. Topics from motor behaviour include: error measurements of motor performance, movement examinations, postural assessments, video analysis and an evaluation of Fitts’ law. Topics from sport psychology include: coaching behaviour assessments, effects of anxiety on sport performance and the use of imagery during sport performance.

+ Duties also included coordinating five (5) sections of this lab-based course

07-95-595-01 Age-Friendly Domains

Course Description: This course offers an analysis of the research and literature related to age-friendly domains. Topics may include the physical environment, housing, social environment, transportation, and communication, information, and media. This course will take a seminar-based approach.