As I strongly believe that teaching, research, and community involvement are all closely related and often interconnected, I would to provide you with a brief overview of some of my research activities.
In general, I use various tools, skills and knowledge based on Motor Control/Behaviour, Ergonomics and Biomechanics, and Physiology to focus on ENABLING populations through the investigation and assessment of aspects related to:
- E – Environments (e.g. Person-Environment Fit, Modifications, Environment Scan, Age-Friendly Environments/Age-Friendly Domains)
- N – Nursing staff (e.g. Musculoskeletal Injuries, Patient Transfers, Attitudes)
- A – Access to care (e.g. Transitions, Health Literacy) at-home Interventions, Community Rehab Tool)
- B – barriers to mobility (e.g. Sarcopenia/Atrophy, Balance & Gait, Dual Task, Fall Prevention)
- L – living actively/active living (e.g. Physical Literacy, Adapted Physical Activity, Aging Successfully, Physical Activity Guidelines
- E – Equipment (e.g. Isometric Hang Grip Exercise [Hypertension and Orthostatic Hypotension], Modified Ride-on-Cars [GoBabyGo project])