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Bridging Principles to Ideas

For my final multimedia response (hip hip hooray!) I chose to create an infographic using Canva. On my infographic, Bridging Principles to Ideas (please click on the link to view the entire infographic), I represent the key points made in the Technologist Module from the Ontario Extend‘s website. Through this reflection, I chose to explore the design-thinking approach:

When I first read through the Technologist Module, my mind kept returning to the main concept in Five Moore Minute‘s video titled “The End of Average?! Disrupting the green of education.” Individuals and their learning abilities are not one-dimensional objects that can be measured like height. A huge error in our education system is that we have been trying to fit students into a standardized curriculum created for the mythical “average.”  The video continues on to explain that it is the learning that should be made adjustable, and we need to look at the range of the learners instead of the average. In addition, the teachers should be the ones to teach the students to make the adjustments to better suit their learning.

I believe that this idea for creating a curriculum that fits all learners can be achieved through the design-thinking approach. First, the educator must empathize with their students and understand their learning needs. Next, the educator must determine the challenge that may be causing a problem for the students’ learning. It is important to note that the design-thinking method is a non-linear process (i.e. it will take a lot of design, sharing with the students, and refining in order to create an effective learning experience).  As the article “What is Design Thinking and Why is it So Popular?” written by Rikkie Dam and Teo Siang explains:

Design Thinking is often referred to as ‘outside the box thinking’, as designers are attempting to develop new ways of thinking that do not abide by the dominant or more common problem-solving methods – just like artists do.”

I believe that by creating such a curriculum and learning experience, education will be open for all. It will create equity for all students to learn the material, as not all students learn the exact same way. Teaching students autonomy skills and providing the tools for students so they can adapt their learning to best fit their needs is something I would love to incorporate in my teaching philosophy. Effective teaching requires collaboration and student feedback in order to provide effective learning for the students.

I believe that lesson differentiation should not solely be focused on gifted students. All students have unique needs that may cause challenges in their learning experiences. Therefore, I believe that differentiation can be achieved when educators teach students to adjust/chose the activities that meet those needs.

Gucci, Prada, Chanel…What Design Thinking Are You Using?

eCampus Ontario’sOpen PD Modules Summary – Piktochart

For a separate window to view the Piktochart – click HERE


My response to the key points

Digital Literacies

I think that that I would agree completely that digital literacy is certainly complex. Recently I was speaking to a professor and they told me how he, and many other adults, assumed that my generation is completely tech savvy, but that was a false notion. Even though I have grown up in this new age, I still find it difficult in trying to navigate through the technology world. 


After watching the video and reading the script on the design-thinking section I was still confused as to exactly what the process was because the description it gives in the script is different than the words and explanation that the video gives. From what I did understand I do agree that it is good to find solutions directly from the people affected instead of simply following some crazy idea that I haven’t even received any feedback for.


This is a very important step in the design-thinking process as it is the root for the whole process. The goal is to connect better to learners and if I don’t know what the learners are really struggling with or wanting then I’d be stuck throwing darts in the dark.


To me this is the hardest section of the module because I find it extremely difficult to pinpoint the true reason for the challenges of a learner. Often I have found it comes to learners not being motivated, but every learner is different and that makes it difficult to pinpoint what truly motivates them. This is why I find the empathize section to be so important because then I’m not left on my own to ponder the reasons behind learners’ lack of motivation.


It seems daunting to try and simply create ideas about each potential technology and so it is extremely helpful to have links to various places that give ideas about what questions I should strive to answer and what technologies I can look through. Here is one example – website resource.


This makes sense that now is where I would start to develop deeply into my top technology choice(s) otherwise I would be in the design process forever.


I also agree that I only start to connect my specific goals and curriculum aspects to my technology idea because there’s that potential that after I start using one during the prototype stage I may assess that the current one may not be the right fit for me.

Module Checklist

In terms of organization of modules and a summary section, this is great. It is concise and allows me to quickly assess whether I’ve done all that I needed to do and as a checklist I can visually cross things off which would give me a greater motivation by having a sense of accomplishment with each checkmark.


All in all I believe that the extend portion of the module for each section is one of the most important aspects. The extend truly helps go that extra mile that guides the process and sharpens every detail. Especially as someone who works much better with continuous feedback from other, the extend portion easily connects me to little hubs that allow me to put forth my ideas, receive feedback, and then tweak my ideas and plan afterwards. The extend truly enables me to have a fuller picture of the process and of what my actual goal in this is.





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Oh, what a controversial post title… Welcome, fellow traveler of the #UWinDig seas. Please, grab a seat. Stick around. I did a twitter essay – two actually.




Part 1 – in which I come to the conclusion that the technologist module is mostly fine, but also maybe useless.

Part 2 – in which I talk about design thinking being a sham and make 1 VERY good joke (CW: NAUGHTY WORDS)


Reflection… (a lot of reflection is in the twitter thread, so I’ll try not to repeat myself too much here)

As stated in the first twitter thread, I did not find the module to be that useful.  Though I understand that it would definitely be helpful to a lot of teachers.  As I mention in the thread, their are a ton of great links to useful tools for the classroom.  It’s just that most of it seemed like common sense to me. I’m curious how many others found the module to be mostly common sense. Am I crazy? Am I too cynical?

Anyways, because of this I had a hard time figuring out what to do my reflection on at all. I ended up doing what I always do: complaining.  It was a lot of fun!  I had already been reading about education fads a lot over the last few months, as well as instances of education misrepresenting things from other disciplines (psych and neuropsych mostly).  So this topic kind of lines up all my current education related interests.  If I had more time I probably would have made a silly video, but I’ll have to save that for another day.




Here’s some good links I posted in the twitter thread that I’m going to post here as well, because I’m such a fun guy.

  1. This Vox video on doors that is very interesting

2. This video form a conference that is also very interesting and gives some history of design thinking and the perspective of a designer (Natasha Jen: Design Thinking is Bullshit)


3. This very appropriate (and not at all edgy) Medium post (Design Thinking is Kind of Like Syphilis – It’s Contagious and Rots Your Brains) – *this guy is probably being a little harsh

Design Thinking will mess up your brains. Decline sets in. Enthusiasts embrace sexed up platitudes as profundities and believe smooching lipsticked pigs is innovation. If you manage an organization, you do not want individuals infected with these mental models in your meetings. Their ignorance and gullibility are not assets but liabilities. But for all these issues, there’s an even deeper way in which pushing the DTs in education is problematic.


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Making Use of Technology

Technology has come a long way in the last decade and has made our lives easier in so many different ways. As technology has become more prevalent in our lives it only makes sense that we incorporate it into the classroom. The only problem with trying to incorporate technology into the classroom is that many teachers are not sure how to do it. That is why Extend has created a great site that breaks down how teachers can incorporate technology into their lessons.

Using the infographic below I briefly explain what the main takeaways from Extend’s site are. It is an infographic that allows the reader to quickly gather what some of the main points are from the site and how they can start incorporating technology into the classroom. I decided to use an infographic because they are a great visual to help catch the readers eye. I also choose to use it since it allowed me to clearly write down and show the steps necessary to start using technology in the classroom.

Upon going through the website and participating in the modules that Extend had I gained a few new tips for ways of making use of technology in the classroom. First of all when reading the articles I related what I was reading back to the SAMR Model I had learned about before. Fromm the article they talked about how using technology needs to be useful for the users. When I was reading this I thought of how by using SAMR we want to try and aim for more than just substitution. So if I want to incorporate technology into my classroom I want to try and use that technology to enhance the learning experience or make it easier for my students to solve problems by using technology. Another aspect from the Extend website I found could be very useful for someone trying to use technology is the prototype step. This prototype steps talks about designing, sharing, and refining your use of technology. I think this is a very important step for new teachers trying to use technology. By understanding that the technology might not be perfect the first time you trying using it, helps the teacher not get discouraged when the design does not work. Understanding that taking advice from users will help the teacher to rethink the technology and improve its use in the lesson is a key component. Overall I think this website clearly lays out how to begin using technology in the classroom. There are also many useful links embedded within the Extend website itself. Now if you just want a brief outline of what is on the Extend website then checkout my infographic below!


Technologist – Now is the time

The Technologist module, designed by ecampusontario is a free resource designed for educators who wish to become a “technologist”. Personally, I learned a lot from this module as many of my friends know I am not the most tech-savvy. The module is a step-by-step tool to help educators gain the basic knowledge they would need to implement more technology integration into their classroom. With the exponential growth that is the technology field, plus technology’s  integration into the lives of most students in North America, it seems more important than ever before that teachers are digitally literate. One thing I really liked about this module is it made sure that teachers think of the students specific needs before they designed a plan to integrate technology. Through personal experience I have learned many teachers try to integrate technology just because they feel like they have to, because it is some popular, rather than because it could improve student learning. The latter of course, being the important factor. There are many lessons that exist that can be highly effective without technology integration and I think it is important educators ensure they are integrating technology for the right reasons, which this module certainly stresses as well.

The module taught me not only more about digital literacy, but also design thinking, which was a term I previously had very little experience with. From the module I learned design thinking is a student-centred approach where students find the solution to a problem through feedback. Since it is a human-centred approach, the person who designs the artifact is the one who benefits from it, this is good for education as we want our students to benefit from the artifacts they are asked to create. Following the steps in the module can help teachers learn design-thinking, and more about how to acquire stronger digital literacy skills, which they can then use to increase student learning.

Feel free to click on the following link to read my twitter essay on the subject.

Put Learning First

For my final multimedia reflection, I chose to create an infographic using Canva to summarize the key points of the Teacher for Learning Module from the eCampus website provided to us during class time. I chose to design an infographic for my third multimedia reflection because this is a visually pleasing way of conveying the main points of the Teacher for Learning Module. I enjoyed going through the creative process trying to find the proper layout and design for this post. I also enjoyed scrolling through the clip art to try and find the right image for each section of the module. I did find difficulty with some of the text boxes and trying to get used to how the clip art worked. I also had a difficult time adjusting through font sizes and entering new text boxes. All together, I would not say Canva is the most user friendly product when designing posters and visual aids but the final product, in my opinion, always looks clean and professional.

The overall goal of the Teacher for Learning Module is to ensure students are not just memorizing and regurgitating material. The point of this module is to ensure students gain a deeper understanding and appreciation of the material just as the educator does. This is crucial because there are an endless amount of teachers and educators that have a great passion and appreciation for the material they are trying to deliver to students but fall short of this delivery and assessment scores exemplify this. It is crucial for us as educators to make this profound connection with students because this is where true “Learning” and comprehension of the material presented can take place. As a student, I have seen teachers suffer this pitfall of education and it can be extremely troublesome because it hinders relaying further material. I have also experienced this pitfall in my own practicum experiences. This module is broken down into Seven Segments which give educators a background on how to connect the material with students effectively, and further build upon these lessons progressively using differentiated instruction.

These Seven Segments include:

Prior Knowledge: Focuses on the previous misconceptions and knowledge students bring into the classroom at the beginning of an educational experience. This can be either beneficial of detrimental to the overall experience of the student. New material should be connected to previous knowledge in an effective manner to ensure for effective comprehension of the student.

Organize Knowledge: The way we present information and how we subsequently categorize new knowledge can make dramatic differences in our students’ learning. We can help learners to make sense of new information by being explicit about how we suggest information fits with prior knowledge. Universal Design for Learning acknowledges that there is great variation in how individuals learn. Two major points of Universal Design for Learning:

  • Learning should be designed to be accessible to everyone
  • The general premise is that information should be conveyed in a variety of ways, known as “multiple means of representation.”

Motivation: What drives you to do something? What drives learners? Motivation is a complex topic that has been studied in many contexts and has many variables. However, there are a few things you can do to make stronger connections for students to motivate them to learn. Motivation can determine, direct, and sustain what students do to learn. Consider the acronym WIIFM (what’s in it for me?). You can use WIIFM as a helpful lens to consider your students.

Mastery: This principal is all about breaking down what we believe to be the most trivial of concepts to essentially those who are at a novice level. One of the most difficult aspects of deconstructing the skills and concepts associated with achieving mastery occurs when dealing with “threshold concepts.” These are often essential concepts in the discipline that must be understood in order to achieve mastery but are extremely challenging because once you fully understand them it is almost impossible to conceive of the topic without them. This is often described as an “expert blind spot.” If you have an expert blind spot, it’s difficult to break down the concept into its component parts because your thinking has been irrevocably transformed. It’s our role as educators to try and remember this.

Feedback and Practice: Feedback is most effective when it is provided at the right time for the learner. Often we design our assessments at the end of the learning to measure the final product, and we do not provide sufficient opportunities to scaffold learners toward the goal. The latter is known as formative assessment and can be immensely beneficial to you as a teacher in determining if your learners are on track. It is even more important for your learners to discover for themselves how well they are doing and how they can improve in particular areas.

Climate of the Course: This segment involves creating a safe and inclusive classroom climate for information to flow and effective comprehension of material to take place.

You can promote positive climate in your classroom by:

  • Providing opportunities for small-group learning and interaction.
  • Listening carefully.
  • Offering opportunities to be heard.
  • Providing an environment that makes uncertainty safe.
  • Examining your assumptions.
  • Being respectful and inclusive.
  • Considering cognitive, psychomotor, and affective domains.


Self-directed learning and actively taking the time to reflect on one’s own learning is described as metacognition. Developing metacognitive skills through deliberate practice and embedded checkpoints fosters intellectual habits that are valuable across disciplines. These checkpoints should occur at the beginning of the learning where students are encouraged to practice task assessment and planning. Metacognition should continue through the evaluation of the outcomes and adjust approaches accordingly.

Strategies to promote Metacognition:

  • Be explicit; indicate what you don’t want; provide performance criteria.
  • Provide opportunities to peer and self-assess; practice; and give feedback.
  • Ask your students whether the answer they provide is reasonable given the problem.


-Anthony Cervi



The “Technologist” Educator

For my third Multimedia Reflection (MMR) I decided to create a Twitter Essay based on the “Technologist” (

My Twitter Essay breaks down each subheading related to the article. My essay covers each concept of the article and hopefully the viewers also enjoy the GIFs.

I chose to create a Twitter Essay for my final MMR as I have not used Twitter in over 5 years since I was in high school and I wanted to expand my technological education toolkit as many high schools in the Windsor Essex area are using Twitter in some learning capacity. I felt that this article did a really good job of explaining new ways to use technology and gave great step by step ways to use it in the classroom. It was a great quick read and I was happy to create a Twitter Essay about it.

I felt that the article might have missed some information regarding cyber security, hacking and other components but overall it did a great job. Technology is not a scary thing and us as educators must learn and be ready to use technology in the classroom with our youth in the community. I look forward to any responses regarding my piece and hope you all enjoy it.

  • Adam Teshuba


5 steps to great success!!!

For my multimedia reflection I decided to use the resource Piktochart since it is a resource I have heard a lot about but have never taken the opportunity to use. I have always been drawn to info graphics since they usually get right to the point in breaking own facts and statistics to give the reader exactly what they need to know.

The technologist module breaks down the need to knows for technology integration in the education classroom. Using the five step process outlined in the module and in my info-graphic below, educators can be sure to successfully include technology in the school curriculum in a way which helps each student reach their maximum potential.

I created a info-graphic outlining the five step process of the design thinking approach:

The first step is to be empathetic, to understand your students, their struggles and their needs.

Step number 2 is to define the key challenges you may face based on your understanding of your students and their struggles.

The third step is to brainstorm and ideate. Begin to think about how your technology will answer to learners challenges. 

The fourth step is the most amusing step. Create a prototype and share it. Be open to feedback and be prepared to edit your technology to perfection,

Finally its time to connect  your technology to education. how will you use your technology in the classroom?


I also decided to use a caricature of myself using the app Bitmoji to create a more personal feel to my info-graph.  

ClassDojo or Class-Don’t-jo?

For this reflection, I wanted to use a tech. application that I had not used before, so I decided to try out Canva. I found Canva to be quite user friendly, with several possible templates and images to choose from. However, I found it to be limiting at times when trying to make my infographic more customized. In the end, I was proud of my final product and found that it was very esthetically pleasing.


When it comes to the use of Behaviour tracking applications, I have little personal experience with them. I have seen presentations by fellow students in class about applications like ClassDojo, but I have not used any personally. I have however become aware of the many ways in which teachers can reward their students and find that using an application would help to make this process easier to manage. Teachers are able to track students any time on any device, which makes it easier to keep track of how a student is behaving on a particular day or if there has been significant improvement. This will, in turn, help a teacher with filling out progress reports. It is also very useful using the app to communicate with parents. A teacher can message a parent individually at any time through the messaging portion which acts as a text message would. This is useful when ensuing parents are aware of their child’s behaviour, or if the teacher has any particular questions for the parent that are more urgent than a note home. Parents are able to check up on their children at any time throughout the day. ClassDojo is also a very customizable application where a teacher is able to choose to make the profile public or private and are able to choose what behaviours are rewarded. I teacher may choose to reward and punish using the app and choosing to keep it ongoing throughout the day or keep it relative to particular moments or subject matter. The power is in the hand of the beholder; therefore, the teacher has the ability to improv the students’ academic and overall school success if the app is used properly.


Though there are many benefits to the program, the cons outweigh the pros for me personally. Firstly, I am not onboard with negative punishments as a form of behaviour management. Positive reinforcement has been found to be the greatest form of behaviour management, and I stand by this as a teacher. I choose to reward my students with praise or physical objects for making smart choices, over punishing them by taking things away from them. I am also concerned with the general privacy of the app. The article “Privacy Concerns for ClassDojo and Other Tracking Apps for Schoolchildren” by Natasha Singer really got me thinking about the topic of privacy within the app. Although there is an ability to make your classroom private, the app may be selling yours and your classroom’s personal preferences to ad agencies in order to gear ads to you. This makes me uneasy, because an app used for such a specific reason, especially without a public profile, should not be selling my information. I am most concerned because it is someone else’s kids’ reputation is at stake when information is being spread.

Have your search results been tampered with without you knowing?

For this reflection, I decided to read the article “Digital Redlining, Access, and Privacy” by Chris Gilliard. In this article, the concept of digital redlining is discussed. This is the concept that many students do not have the same access to information as others. Some may simply not have access to personal devices (computers, phones, tablets) at their homes. Others may only have access to these devices in public settings like libraries or schools. This introduces the concept of digital redlining. By having to use public resources, students may encounter acceptable use policies (AUPs). These policies can restrict and filter the information that a student can see and access on the Internet. Students may not even realize that there is any information on a topic due to this. This can create a divide of available information between students of a lower socioeconomic class who may not have access to an unrestricted Internet experience and those of a higher stratus who may have a larger access.

Before reading this article and exploring the issue, I hadn’t considered the concept of redlining. For most of my life, I had access to a personal computer outside of a controlled environment. As such, the concept of digital redlining hadn’t occurred to me. However, reading the article made reflect on my grade 9 year. After moving to a rural home in a new city, we were without Internet for the entire year. As such, access to news, social media, and online entertainment was barred to me. Being the late 2000s, phones with a data plan were still a rarity. As such, when assigned research projects for my classes, I had to make due with using the school computers at lunch. This limited the amount of time I was able to research. After reading this article, I find myself wondering if it also limited the information that I found on the topics. It’s possible that information sources were filtered from the results. The difference between my experience with research projects in grade 9 and subsequent years is vast. Once I had access to digital resources outside of the school again, I had far more flexibility in when I could research. I was also able to research anything I wanted at my leisure. Finally, I was able to participate in peer-peer networking again, something prohibited by my school’s AUP. If I were to have been so restricted for my entire adolescence, I can see how my way of thinking could have changed.

Going forward, I have a new appreciation for taking into consideration different student’s access to information. I will now know to critically examine my school’s AUP and to try and facilitate an equitable classroom with it in mind. Knowing that students have different access to technology, I will provide extra, external resources where necessary to help make up for a student’s lack of access.

For this reflection, I created a mind map using mindmeister. Creating a mind map proved to be a challenge. Sorting through the concepts posited by Gilliard and sorting them into a mind map proved to be quite challenging. The medium itself was fairly easy to use. Creating the branches and subbranches was easy and fairly effortless. However, the options for design were extremely limited, allowing for little creativity in that regard. Also, at the time of posting, I realized that to save the image, you had to buy the premium version. As such, I had to take screenshots of each branch and hope that that is sufficient. However, please see below for a link to the online version.

Mind Map