Author Archives: klein111

Design- Thinking

The Technologist Module provided by eCampus Ontario is a powerful page. The whole premise of the page is designed to talk about how inclusion and technology can go hand in hand. When any reader scrolls through this site; they would be overwhelmed with information about how technology serves a purpose in our education. That purpose is not to prepare our future citizens for a robotic dystopian takeover; but to in-turn address specific learning needs. The module out lines, Design-Thinking, which is the primary focus of my pow town. Design-Thinking, starts with every creator, consumer or educator identifying a need, then problem, whilst finally creating a solution to that problem using technology. I believe that this is a great way to go about both living and teaching. Empathy is put first, to solve a common problem for learning. This is something, that most teachers are already doing when creating a lesson plan. As teachers, we listen to our students to identify said problems, then use our lessons to come up with solutions. The final step in design thinking, is one thing teachers already do; tie your lesson (product) to the curriculum. This module, provides a guide for the teacher who is afraid to try technology in his or her class. Overall, one might come to realize that one can not create a successful product without empathizing first then documenting later. Nor can one be a successful teacher by following the rule of empathy first.




After reading the Facebook Exodus article. I have decided to do a twitter style essay response to the idea. I believe, that we the users must critically ask ourselves questions when we choose to consume a product. Much like when read the nutrition labels on food, we should research the concerns of a social media platform. With Facebook, we should ask ourselves “Is my data safe” , or “Is my privacy valued.” Sometimes we should even asking more practical questions such as: Will this effect my mood?, Will this effect my self worth?, Am I likely to get addicted to this?. As a consumer, you can choose which media you subscribe to. That being said, young Facebook users, are deleting the app. They are subscribing to other social media platforms, or dieting from social media all-together. This is due to a number factors; many of which borderline : mental health, privacy concerns, and lack of online safety. In this article and my twitter essay, it discusses various issues with Facebook. I have posted a screenshot, and then a link to the essay incase anyone wants to further discussions there. I believe that our society has become more expectant of having things instantly. Although digressing back to previous communications is not a popular opinion, we sometimes find things that are recycled back to the for front. In the recent years in music, vinyl records have made their way back. Imagine a society, that kept cellphones, but the only way to contact people was to call them. Sometimes, we need to go to far, to realize a healthier medium was already discovered. I believe that with facebook, the social media platform has given it’s users “trust issues.”

Before this article, I was mostly engaged with the idea of dieting on social media. However, Facebook, would be what was what I was thinking of keeping. After this article, I realize, that it is the social media platform I need to diet from the most. I am looking at reasons why users are removing facebook. I realize now, it is for various reasons that I would like to as well. News feed is mainly programmed media, which is a waste of my time and brain cells. Gazing at my facebook newsfeed, would be like eating Junk Food everyday, then wondering why I am unhappy with myself.


Twitter Essay 

But That’s How You Learn

In response to the article “Digital Ghosts in the Modern Classroom” by Ashley Hinck, I have created this short video. This article highlights a societal dilemma that teachers face. Students are using pre-made platform websites to create their projects. This promotes a well designed effort, however their project is made within a box of options. Students need to be challenged to explore a deeper learning with technology. Much like teaching music, learning a new programming language is not easy. The teacher must reinforce the art of “celebrating the little things” when it comes to student learning. This articles references that the teacher, would get excited over a minor change a student did in their own work on a website. The student, most likely, will compare themselves to a finished well made product. It is our role as teachers to guide students out of the work-inside-the-box websites. Even if the product is not perfect, celebrate with grand enthusiasm, the accomplishments a student did overcome.

Ps. Please enjoy the video.