Teachers are you ready for the 21st century teaching??

I read the article Teaching in a participatory digital world by Dr. Michele Jacobsen


This article talks about the benefits of shifting the digital learning into participatory digital learning and the steps required to make this shift.

The quick evolution of digital technology to participatory social and academic environments calls for changed mindsets about schooling. Students and teachers are always connected and communicating online, so combining inquiry and technology opens the door to powerful new teaching and assessment practices.

Every person who is a part of the education system needs to be engaged in this shifting process starting from school jurisdictions , principals to teachers and students.

To improve this type of learning, teachers along with their professional learning opportunities should be engaged to strengthen their digital competencies to be able to guide and mentor the students  to be engaged successfully in 21st century work. This change will open lots of opportunities for these students and develop the competencies they need for expert adult performance. To enhance this learning style, students and teachers should reflect on their own work because students will learn better and teachers will strengthen their own practices.

Overall, I agree with the ideas in this article especially after my  practicum, I noticed how students are into technology in classrooms but schools have deficiencies in technology devices and some teachers, including myself ( a future teacher), are not ready for this shift yet. I think teachers are not ready because they did not receive the proper education that gives them confidence to use technology professionally and effectively in their classes.

For me , thinking of the idea of using technology in my class scares me because of my limited knowledge  in this area specifically and growing up thinking that the best and only way of teaching is pen and paper. Exploring technology especially in this course had changed my approach to technology because I am learning how effective it is for teachers and students when implemented and used correctly. while reading this article, I related to how frustrated I was to use twitter but turned out to be a good experience ,so I think as teachers we need sometimes to step out of our comfort zone for the benefits of our students .

I chose to make a piktochart this time. I really enjoyed it, it was easy working with  but the only problem I faced is the limited choice of graphics they have.




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