Ranting about the Digital Ghosts in the Education Machine – Cuffaro

My video is discussing the article “Digital Ghosts in the Modern Classroom”, written by Ashley Hinck. The article describes how student expectations of technology classrooms often stems from their experiences both in school, and from the common websites or programs they might use in their daily lives. Websites like Canva provide templates for students, with simple to follow instructions to get a working product. These instructions provide little-to-no risk for failure, and students have the preconceived expectation that what they might do in a technology classroom would be akin to following instructions on a worksheet (with the assumption of there being a ‘right’ answer) or following a template saved in programs or websites. As students are given access to more open-ended programs like HTML, students still have the tendency to assume that there is a ‘right’ answer, instead of experimenting and exploring what they could create. Teachers who want to critical digital pedagogues should expose students to failure (by showing that even their teacher will make mistakes, and there is no shame in mistakes), and show that templates are limiting to their creativity and their expression of their individuality. I decided to make a video on the subject because it would be something atypical for me, and would allow me to be more expressive.



Thank you for watching~

Christopher Cuffaro

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