Category Archives: 322monday21

Too much of a Good Thing – When is it Right to Use Tech in the Class?

I chose to do a Twitter Rant for my analysis and Image result for tell the worldreflection on the Technologist Module as I believe it is important to let others know about this concept. To see the rank, follow this link Twitter Rant. Technology in the classroom is such a buzz concept that most people believe that technology is always beneficial, no matter what.

In short, the Technologist module brings to light that it is possible to have too much of a good thing. Specifically, it highlights some of the requirements for Tech tools in the class, and when they should be used. I do believe there is a time and a place for the tools. When considering the SAMR model in this Technologist discussion, I think that Tech should be used in class when it elevates the task above a simple substitution. This is because if students are asked to do a boring and monotonous task, whether that same task is done on paper or on an iPad it will still be boring or monotonous for them. However, if there were tools that could modify or augment this task to a more engaging and practical assignment they would most definitely be worthwhile additions.The teachers are responsible in this discussion to get to know the likes and dislikes of the class and the strengths and weaknesses of each student. Knowing the level of chemistry and the intricacies of the classroom can make a huge difference. Through this they can strategically identify tech tools that will promote student success. Teachers should not be afraid to try to ideas and to use the Design-Thinking model to improve their ideas. This is a constructivist model that allows ideas to build on one another to enhance ideas and makes for a valuable student-centered learning experience. When the students have a voice and are able to feel empowered they will be more likely to engage.

Related imageOf course, practice makes perfect and teachers should be willing to use their resources to make sure that they are familiar with the basics of the tool they found. This might require them to do a tutorial or play around with the tool at home before assigning a task to their students. Some times experimentation and play is one of the best ways to learn the ins-and-outs of a Tech tool.

Ultimately, I strongly agree with the Technologist module and the notion that teachers should ensure that the tools and strategies they are incorporating in their classroom are in-line with the needs of their students and go hand-in-hand with the curriculum expectations. Do your research, map it out and try doing a test run before rolling it out to ensure that it will achieve the desired outcome. As mentioned, the Tech tools should relate to the program expectations. If not… RE-EVALUATE.

EXTEND: Integrating Technology into Every Class!

After researching and going through the eCampus Ontario’s Technologist Module during class and outside of class, I decided to represent the information I gathered through and Infographic. When it comes to design, I do not see myself as creative therefore using the templates provided by Canva I created my Infographic. Using these templates, I am free to choose artifacts I want to provide while still being covered if anything were to go wrong. I want readers to be able to have an idea of the Technologist Module, while still having to explore the site for further information. Throughout the 2 years in our Education Program, it has been made clear that everyone has a different comfort level when it comes to integrating technology into his or her lessons. I, myself, am open to the integration of tech in the classroom using the steps provided in my Infographic.

This module did a terrific job of going step by step through digital-thinking, including empathize, define, ideate, prototype, and connect. Emphasize deals with realizing what a person needs. It all starts with empathy. The Define step is about narrowing in and identifying the problem/challenge based on your discovery of the learner. This step is key in the design process since it is the focal point used to build a solution. In this step, the module states that a good learner challenge is one that: (a) provides focus and frames the challenge; (b) inspires you and others around you; (c) informs how you will evaluate subsequent ideas; (d) capture the hearts and minds of your users; and (e) helps you focus on developing concepts and plans that meet the needs for most of the people that matter. In the third step of digital-thinking, Ideate, the module guides us to form and build the ideal features and characteristics of our tool could address the learner challenge. During this step, it is best to ask yourself the question ‘how might I?’ while making a mind map. The second to last step is the Protoype. At this stage, it is time to try out the creation. Instead of simply talking about the tool created, the module indicates that you would attain richer feedback if you give learners and tangible creation instead. The prototype steps are design, share, refine. Last, but definitely not least, is the Connect step. To me this is one of the most important steps. You must connect the tool through an activity that connect to the curriculum. If there is no connection to the curriculum then the tool will have to reworked and have to go through all the steps again.

Through the step explanations and following activities, each module did a great job at helping the readers understand how to implement the steps in their classroom. Throughout my practicum experiences, I have not been able to implement technology as much as I would of liked to, but after reading and exploring this module I have found different ways to integrate technology through teaching lessons, assessment, lesson planning, and more.


I have included my Technologist Modules Inforgraphic as a PDF for all to enjoy!

Should we shut down Facebook,what a big question ?

Should we shut down Facebook,what a big question ?

Facebook is the world largest social media and the app is used by over 204 million users in USA while India is the world largest user of Facebook with over 294 million users according to data from (c)statista 2018. It shows a global active user from 1 billion in 2012 to 2.23 billion active users in second quarter of 2018. While the number of active users has continue to decline in north america,the opposite is the case in other parts of the world.
Matt Rosoff’s article; should we shut down Facebook entirely due to privacy concern makes an interesting reading,especially when you take into account the global damage the platform has created in the world politics,domestic affairs,social and inter governmental cooperation. The west has been hugely affected where information dissemination has no restrictions unlike other parts of the world where information is guarded,and in some nations it comes with severe punishment.
The Pew survey carried out in the united states gives a graphic detail about the decline in the use of Facebook app in north america. There is no doubt the average age of 18-30 are the ones that spend 1/3 of their daily active hours on social medial,when such a cluster of people account for about 44% abstinence from the platform especially in north america, it calls for concern.
The good news though is the huge number that decided to adjust their security settings on the app to reduce hacking in their personal data.
The debate on the desirability of social platform especially Facebook will continue to generate interesting readings.We have witnessed a tremendous leap in global information dissemination in the last 15 years,the world has become a global village no thanks to all the social network platforms.The world has gained a lot and has equally lost a lot
In the recent report on PCWorld,Facebook has been cited in one out of every five divorce petitions,Divorce- online.Married men and women engaged in flirting,sexual chat and other inappropriate behaviors on social medial despite being married.Cambridge Analytical,a British data mining,data brokerage and data analysis firm has been indicted in several law cases of hacking and obtaining personal information without a permit,and only recently Facebook was confronted in its role in the United States 2010 presidential election where the FBI report that Russian operatives were using the platform to spread false news and information to influence the election result.
On the other side of the argument, Facebook has brought tremendous changes to our social life,it has connected various people who have never met before and in some cases ended up living as husband and wife.The platform has brought huge cultural integration in the globe and the social revolution is unimaginable.It has become a platform to market issues,enterprise,government policies,social and cultural issues and the cheapest platform for advertisement with huge readership.
Some of my high school classmates i have not seen in almost forty years we meet on Facebook group chat we created and share ideas.
In schools, we use the platform for learning when we use other Facebook apps like,Instagram,WhatsApp,and Messenger.
My info graphic visual shows lots of live activities like marriages,entertainment,social networking,leisure and several other platforms that social networking brought with just a tap of a Burton rather than the analogue ways we do things in the past.We are all affected one way or the other.
We all have a story about Facebook either good or bad ,but should we overlook the good and crucify the platform ?My own answer is NO, we must collectively ask for more privacy settings on the app.

Personal Reflection;

I am a strong believer in social networking and appreciate the fact that we are in the digital age.Facebook is a revolution in social networking and ever since the platform was introduced sometimes in 2005,the media has witnessed tremendous shift in global interest and usage as both the old and the young has become active users of the in any good innovation,nothing comes without the ugly side and so is the case with Facebook app. Efforts should be more on a Robust private setting that we protect our information exchange and make it absolutely private.

Hide Yo Kids, Hide Yo Wives, ClassDojo want to steal your privacy information

I chose to analyze the Privacy Concerns for ClassDojo and Other Tracking Apps for Schoolchildren article by Natasha Singer. Since I am not very good with keeping up to date using social media, I decided I would do a Twitter Rant. One of the things that stuck out the most to me was the fact that you cannot just go back and make edits to your tweets after the fact. I noticed this only when I realized that I did not add the #UWinDig tag after each tweet but with time, I will become more efficient at it. I don’t know about everyone else, but I am really enjoying the idea of exploring a new multimedia artifact and making an attempt to create something.

The article introduces an app called ClassDojo, which is an app that lets us track the behavior of our students by awarding or subtracting points based how we feel the students are conducting themselves. The app allows us to project it onto a smart board which shows the student’s cartoon avatars and the scores that they have achieved for the week. When we take away a point from a student, the app omits a rather disappointing sound whereas rewarding a point omits a positive sound. The app even allows teachers to send out notifications to parents whenever they would like to keep them in the loop.

When I think about this in my classroom experiences growing up, I think that having something like this would have been rather beneficial because it always seemed as if teachers were always trying to find ways to hold students responsible for their action while keeping track of it. As well, as a teacher I can see so many different ways to apply this in the classroom other than just the way it’s meant to be used. The capabilities of keeping parents informed about their children helps to bridge the gap between the crazy busy teacher and all of the parents wanting to know more information about how their child is doing.

However, some say that the app is being used without consideration of how the data being collected will be used later on. Some say that this type of classroom management method is out dated and that these apps are too subjective and might harm a student’s reputation by grouping them with the “wrong” kind of people. To me, I think that every type of technology is gathering some type of information and unless we want to go back to killing the environment by printing of more and more paper, then we have no choice but to use apps like these. As well, the company has put a statement in their Terms of Service that says they do not provide outside sources with the data collected. In regards to being out dated, I believe in the saying “work smart not hard” and so far, I have yet to be shown a more efficient way to teach students about being responsible for their action.

The last large concern that I am going to talk about is the thought that some teachers might not be getting permission from their schools or school boards to use these apps and how a parent either needs to have the teacher remove their student or email the company to have them removed. From my experiences thus far, I think that most schools have become aware of these types of apps and have either developed some way of vetting them or are in the process of developing ways. Yes, there are some places that do not track these things, but it seems like these are also the places who are stuck in the 1950s still.

Before reading this article, I would have found an app like this, and used it exactly how it would be suggested. I would probably have made little effort to come up with creative ways it can be used because of how terrible I am with taking something new and thinking outside the box or reading more into it through outside sources (youtube, blogs, reviews, etc.). As well, I never though to consider how the data might be used once collected or the effects that come after the fact. Thanks to this article, I have gathered a lot of ideas and information that I will carry forward.

Although there is a lot that can be done with this app and there are lots of concerns with it like the use of date collected, schools being more on top of tracking who’s using them, and how teachers are using them, I think that apps like these are allowing educators to become better organized and creative with their classroom management skills. I think that as long as we can continue to adjust and modify how we use them so that we can set goals for some students, motivate other to continue to progress, keep them on track or show progress, then I’m all for these apps.

You can either click on the hyperlink near the top, or scroll down to check out my Twitter Rant!








Hook Me Up With Some INFO!

My reflection was based on the TED Talk Data-Driven Education and the Podcast Episode 10: Audrey Watters & The Teaching Machine. In the video, it is discussed how data collection is not being used appropriately to collect information about students, and in turn, technology is not being used properly or is being overused in some school settings. The Podcast involves an interview of Audrey Watters and her book the Teaching Machine. During the interview, Audrey explains how technology has been used to make our lives easier since the 40’s and that the history of machines are just represented differently today and are more advanced. Having technology help us gain a personalized education is nothing new.  The artifact I chose to use to display the representation of the TED Talk and Podcast was Twitter Essays. Data collection is very significant when it comes to studying information about the school, students, teachers, academics, etc. If it is to be collected, it must be used or it is a waste of time. The TED Talk and Podcast both dig deeper and ignite the conversation surrounding how data collection can help students become more independent with their learning; the data can pinpoint the student’s strengths and weaknesses.

Looking at my experiences while teaching. Data collection is taken every day to make sure that there is a thriving educational environment occurring. Attendance is one example that is done throughout the day which takes data to see how much a student is missing during the school year. One of the biggest tests that I helped with was the EQAO test which is a data collected test that occurs in grade 3 and 6. This test looks at how each student is progressing and also takes data within the test to see what questions are good and are not. It is a standardized test that sees if each student is at the right grade level. I truly believe that a data-driven education system where information is taken constantly and consistently would definitely help assess students learning and their needs and modifications. I personally believe that technology is key to learning and is very important to the development of young minds and the development of education. My ideas on the issue before were the same. Data collection is very important in schools. Statistics on all information about the school, student, community, teachers, etc. come in the form of data and data allows assessment of the pros and cons of how education is being delivered. There was no new information that I learned. I knew that data was always relevant and significant in education; however, I never realized how much data should be taken on a day-to-day basis in order to make the educational system more accessible and simplistic.

I used Twitter as my artifact to display what I learned from the TED Talk because I have had the chance to use it before, but itself is a platform that uses data collection for many purposes, so I felt like it was a good way to show data collection. Algorithms and data are consistently being shared through Twitter. As I post my tweets information is outputted and inputted, so I thought making a Twitter Essays would be an excellent way to pinpoint some main points that I felt were relevant to the TED Talk and Podcast and were key-points. I enjoyed how simplistic it was to make this artifact and it was straightforward adding relateable pictures and memes to help highlight what I learned. A first I did not fully understand the parameters around how to make a Twitter Essay, but once I got rolling, it ended up being a great way to express what I was able to read and listen to.


Is Data Driven Education the Future?

I’m not one to usually engage in the twitter world, recently I have found it to be quite engaging and eye opening to both mine and other’s experiences. I feel when we are limited by time or type count than we have more opportunity to speak quite bluntly about how we feel rather than  beat around the bush. For this reason, I decided to challenge my own tweeting skills and limit myself in word count for each point and create a twitter thread that can be found here. In this thread I summarize the Ted Talk by Khurram Virani on Data Driven Technology.

From my experience in a classroom and as a tech user, I do not entirely agree with the TED talk. I feel that yes data should not just be collected and left unused but rather should be invested into the classroom just as it is used to improve tech. I do not feel that this can be an immediate adaption to the classroom though. In my experience teaching students is not always a cut and paste experience but rather there is a lot of trial and error as Virani did say there is with technology. I feel the difference though is that in education, we do not see the effective or ineffective use of technology until a substantial amount of time has passed to see if this technology is truly something that can be effectively integrated into a classroom. By the time we establish whether an app is suitable for all teachers to implement and can be modified for various student needs, perhaps the data or tech may change by then. This is why in my personal experience I feel things need to be tried and tested long term before establishing whether they are good for both students and the classroom in the long run. Technology is ever changing and rapid irritation is not necessarily the most compelling method of change in a class. Information is considered to create a curriculum that can take years to develop. Constant change of the curriculum or teaching methods may be financially cumbersome and implementing it may be daunting to some teachers who already feel their plate is full.

Algorithms were not a huge concern for me as an educator before or in fact after this video. I do think tests and work of students should be looked at and evaluated in terms of where things are commonly going wrong, or where they are challenging for a majority of students. Once this data or information has been collected then it must be used in the classroom effectively. The only new point that I learned and had a chance to reflect on was the fact that data should be collected more often just as tech is ever improving and growing.

Click here to kill EVERYBODY

I chose to look at look into Bruce Schneier’s radio talk with CBC called Internet plus: Now everything can be hacked! This talk is about Schneier’s new book Click Here to Kill Everybody. I agree with the article which states that the name of the book is quite terrifying. Just look at the cover.

Bruce being a security guru, subtitles his new book “Security and Survival in a Hyper-Connected World.” Throughout the talk, he discusses the real risks in the world, since everything is becoming a computer and networked in such ways he calls “internet plus.” Our world is becoming very IT-dependent, even if we don’t think we are using technology.

Schneier brings up examples that our world never had to think about until now. For example; ransomeware attacks on thermostats. People across the world or country can hack into our thermostat and turn it off until you pay a lump some of money. Everything in our world can harm us! In the past, people were able to threaten you by stealing private information from a hospital, for example, and simply embarrass you. But now a days, people are able to change your blood type in the database, which could potentially kill you.

We have lived through some of these threats! They might not be in our backyard but we have definitely heard about them. For example; Russia has taken out power plants in the Ukraine twice.

Schneier brings up another good point about us not paying for security in our everyday tools. When we are looking for a refrigerator, we aren’t looking for the one with the best security measures. We are looking for the best features at the best price. When we shop for anything, security does not seem to be one of the features we look for. But maybe it should become one.

An idea brought forward through this discussion is not limited to the safety of everyone in our world. Since everything around us is becoming more and more technological, I feel that we are relying to much on technology. I think to myself, “What is this world coming to?” Schneier brought up a good example that makes me reflect  on this questions. He reminds us of how Russia took out power plants all the way in the Ukraine without even leaving their country. People around the world are willing to go to further lengths to harm people. because they do not have to leave the comfort of their own home. Again, this is just my point of view.

Before reading this discussion, I knew of the crimes that happen around the world through technology but not necessarily the extent of them. Watching many crime shows, they give us visuals of what is going around in the “real” world. But I have never seen a show where people are attacking thermostats to get an easy pay day. In the future, when I am buying anything technological, I will definitely research to have the proper safety tools.

To connect all the ideas given throughout this talk, I chose to make a mind map. I believe that it is a good way to portray all of Bruce Schneire’s ideas and concepts. He is definitely someone with a lot of insight into the world of security, especially with technology. I hope we can learn from our mistakes and from all the examples shown throughout the world. Safety and security is not something we can just pass by. We need to always make sure our information and our loved ones are always safe. But how far are we going to half to go to accomplish that?


Data-Driven Education

The TED Talk by Khurram Vieni on Data-Driven Education was very interesting and contained a lot of content.  His main idea, the importance of Data-Driven Education, was one part of his speech, which I used to create the Infographic, found below.  He is both a technologist and an educator; so naturally, he decided to compare the two, technology and education.  He concluded that both serve industries, move people forward, is about people’s experiences and outcomes, are crafts that are influenced by science and they both come down to finding the best approach.  At first, I did not see the link between the two and was wondering where this video was going.  Upon further reflection and thinking about these key points, I realized he was spot on about the link.  We are using technology more and more in the classroom, sometimes so much so, that we are leaving students at a disadvantage.  Students are learning less and less on how to write and spell, and are creating students to be literate at typing and using spell check.  Technology is advancing at an incredible rate, while education is lagging behind, where the gap between education and the real world of skills needed for future jobs gets bigger.  Education is not changing at the rate of education, and we seem to be getting lost in preparing students for the future, because technology is creating an ever-changing world.  We cannot even guess what jobs will be in need in the next decade- they might not even exist today.  Unfortunately, we are no longer teaching for the future, and we are not even teaching for today!  That is the biggest challenge in teaching, constant change and improving our lessons to meet the needs of all our students.

Teaching technology is beneficial for our schools, but we need to find a balance that allows students to use and learn from technology, while also learning basic skills like writing and arithmetic.  Our students are becoming to reliant on technology and it is scary to see that students cannot spell, do simple math and cursive write (they no longer have a signature!)  That seems crazy to me!  I think we can find the balance necessary to teach students basic skills in writing, math and technology without limiting ourselves to one over the other.  In my two placements, I have seen a classroom too dependent on technology and one that had a good balance.  The one with the balance, used many types of technology, like Kahoot, math-based games and the Google Programs without losing out on the basic writing skills.  For example, they would write and edit (sometimes peer edit) their rough drafts and have the option to type their final draft.  Spelling and computing basic math facts, even in this grade eight class was still very weak.  Therefore, like many things in life, I believe that it is important to find a balance with the use of technology in the classroom.  Students should have the opportunity to learn both technology skills and skills in math and writing that will allow them to choose which system of skills they like best.  Some students felt it was unfair that cursive writing was no longer taught and they spent their indoor recesses practicing themselves.

Data- Driven Education is a method for improving teaching and learning in the classroom, used by teachers.  Although, I have not heard about this technique until listening to the TED talk, I feel that I am always checking in with students to see where they are at in their learning.  Sometimes as teachers we have to be flexible and ensure that students understand concepts, even if we need to teach it in a different way.  It’s all about experimenting and finding the best way to teach our students.  Changing things up and teaching with the needs of your students in mind will help improve teaching and learning.  What works for one class will usually not work for the next class.  It’s all about knowing your students and catering to their needs.

I chose to represent the sequence for Data-Driven Education in an infographic because I thought the information would look best in a poster-like format.  I used Piktochart to create my infographic and being new to the program, I thought it was very user friendly.  I used a step-by-step guide from the website to help me and before starting, I looked around at all the options and tools for the program.  I decided to start the infographic from scratch and did not choose to use a layout.  I could not find one I liked, so I went to work creating my own.  I would definitely use this program in the future and I would have my students create posters and other projects using this website.  It would be easy for me to teach to my students and provide more variety than the common used Google or Microsoft products. Overall, I had a great experience with this infographic and I am glad I had the opportunity to try it out.  I think it turned out great.

Data-Driven Education

I chose to analyze a TedTalk entitled “Data-driven Education” by Khurram Virani ( . He states that teaching is hard and that the curriculum is even harder but that improving the curriculum is the hardest of the three. He draws an important parallel between technology and education by pointing out that they both serve other industries and pushing these industries forward by giving them the right tools and people to push forward. He believes that there is a divide in technology between the way people learn and the way they work. There is no right answer with teaching. It is not a straightforward science. However, technology and education are not on the same path. In the technology field there is a constant change and it is propelling these industries forward at a rapid rate whereas education is stagnant which leaves a gap between the academic world and the working world. Just like educators are constantly trying to make a connection between science and art, the same is being done with education and technology. One way this is being done is by data-driven education. It is believed that data should be collected in order to improve our education system and make changes to the curriculum based on this data. However, he believes that in the end teachers should make these changes because technology can gather this information, but it cannot analyze or implement it in a classroom setting.

I agree with Virani because I too think that our education system does not teach for today let alone for the future. While we have added technology in the classroom, it has been used at a very basic level. While most of us know the basics of Microsoft Word, Powerpoint, etc., we have not been taught to use these programs in dept for potential future careers that require things such as excel. Also, instead of pushing students to pursue careers in the technology field, we encourage them to pick more traditional fields even though technology is ever changing and booming. He also points out that even though technology is present in the classroom, it is often overused. I remember as a child teachers playing a whole movie in class and then simply asking us what we learned even though it had no real educational value. Having technology in a classroom does not fill the gap between technology and education. Teaching our students how to code or how to use excel would be one way that could fill this gap and give our students tools for the real world. This would not only make our content more diverse but would prepare our students for the industries they may work in one day.

When the idea of data-driven education was brought up, I immediately thought of standardized testing but this is not what is meant by data-driven education. The difference is that unlike standardized testing, this information is analyzed in order to make changes in the education system. If we are not acting upon this information we have gathered, it is pointless. I like the idea of using this idea to compare our education on a yearly basis. Comparing how certain classes work and also to track a students progress. It can also help teachers to collaborate because this information can be passed on and teachers can use this to focus on problem areas for students.

Twitter Thread :


Cellphones: The Ruler of Society

Cellphones. These are the rulers over people in today’s society. Everyone is always on their phones reading text messages, looking at Facebook or Instagram, taking pictures, checking email. This is especially prevalent in today’s youth. Yousif’s article entitled Tackling tech: How some Ontario teachers are attempting to limit students cellphone use discusses this issue among student’s in the classroom setting. The article starts off by saying that students are allowed to take their phone to their desks with them but only on one condition: they are required to place them in a special pouch before they put them in their desk. These specials pouches are called Yondr cases which lock once the phone is placed in it and can only be released when the teacher unlocks it. It has been found to create a positive impact in the classroom setting. I would love to use these pouches in my future classroom. I believe everyone would benefit from these cases including the teacher and students. In my first placement, I found that all of my students were constantly trying to hide their cellphones in their desk and I found it very distracting as the teacher. I was always telling students to put their phones away or to go put them in their lockers. If every school had these cases I think that it would eliminate the distractions for students. I believe that school boards need to look into investing into these cases because their current methods of no cellphones are not really working.

I chose this medium because I thought that it would be a great opportunity to practice my movie making skills. I used iMovie for my last project and wanted to continue to practice my skills by creating another type of video. I used the website to create my video. I was able to use some clips and pictures from their website but I was also able to import my own as well. I did enjoy using this site because I found it to be very user-friendly and easy to use. My only issue with the website was that you could only use five of their clips to create a video unless you wanted to pay for it. Even though I experienced this, I would still recommend the site to anyone who is not familiar with the video making process.