Author Archives: schro112

Bringing tech to the classroom in unique ways


For my final multimedia reflection, I decided to do a Twitter essay. In the previous two reflections, I did other platforms and this time rather than doubling down on a platform I decided to try another platform type in order to expand my learning and education of technology in the classroom. My Twitter essay was in response to the Ontario Extend article on technologist Scenario where it talked about how to properly use different tools in our classroom. This response I thought was very important to becoming a better teacher because it allowed me to see the proper steps in order to properly integrate technology into the classroom. It also has allowed me to understand and comprehend exactly what needs to be done as an educator. I thought that the most important part of students knowing how to use technology in the classroom was being able to use it, rather in the article it says the redefine is the most important part for students to understand exactly how to use and understand the technology we as teachers bring into the classroom. I believe that to be technological aware of what is going on in our classrooms we always need to be up to date on the latest technological advancements in our classrooms prior to teaching older outdated platforms to our students.

One part of the eCampus site that really intrigued me was the part about empathy and how love is important when creating these different platforms. Each platform according to the article is made so everybody will understand it and it has to be understood by everybody in order for it to properly work in the classroom.

the link is to my twitter essay for anybody who does not follow me on there. Click on twitter to see the entire essay.

Say goodbye to old and hello to the new

For the second multimedia, I decided to focus on the Henry Jenkins video along with the Michele Jacobson article. I was really excited and eager to try out a different platform beside the mind map. I decided to try out the Piktochart in the beginning, I found a few things such as how to properly get images and pictures. It was something that I quickly grasped and began to find was fairly easy and straightforward. It remained me a lot of the PowerPoint platform on how you can add text and add pictures.

The reason I decided to choose the Henry Jenkins video and the Jacobson article because personally I am more drawn to visually seeing something being taught to me rather than having to read articles. I like to break up articles with the use of videos I find it helps me learn better and understand a topic. When first watching the Jenkins video I really noticed how teachers of today’s teaching are not like they were 5-10 years ago.  When I was in elementary school the use of technology was very minimal and if it used it was never used very well. Technology is constantly changing into bigger and better things, the most important thing I think we as teachers need to malleable in the sense of being flexible and being subject to change in with the use of technology. This can be related back to our course that we were taught ways to be flexible and being able to use multiple platforms to allow students to succeed in the classroom.

During my first practicum, I noticed many new things that a classroom has to offer now since I’ve been out of high school. Many of these things are beneficial now to student learning, I’ve seen teachers use technology to help students with their English, such as having this new program called Alexa that allows students to work on English homework to better them as students. Along with Alexa, my associate was heavily into using YouTube videos in his lessons which gave students another viewpoint for them to learn that lesson. All these technological applications used in our digital media class can be applied to our second practicum in many ways, one being using a twitter hashtag that we did last week to spark students interest in a topic. We can also use the Mentimeter application to better understand our students and see what areas they need help in. This all can be tied back into the readings for this assignment by teachers and students working together to better the use of technology and helping each other out.




Digital Ghost of Classrooms Past

I chose to the do the article rather than the podcast because I found that the article peaked my interest more and was able to better understand the article better than the podcast. The article Digital Ghosts in the Modern Classroom by Ashley Hinck and reviewed by Gregory Zobel, Jessica Knott, and Maha Balihad peaked many things for myself but I decided to specifically to discuss how both teachers and students react to digital media in the classroom as well their experiences.

I found as I read the article that most students are facing the same issues. Some of these issues are that students are afraid of failing and pushing the limits, they would rather think outside of the box because they think it will turn bad if they do so. As teachers, we try to make students more comfortable different media platforms but when teachers try to help students they give them that look like they have four eyes and don’t understand you. I felt as though the students and teachers were so interconnected because we as teachers can learn so much from students as they can from us. The method I decided to use express was a self-made mind map. I thought that this would be the best method to use for the teacher-student similarity.

I used different colours to draw your eyes to different parts of the mind map, I also included a school which is placed in the centre of the mind map because schooling is the central part of this entire article and needs to be the main focus.