Author Archives: pisciunl

TeChNoLoGiSt MoDuLe: ThE tEaChEr I wAnNa Be!

This Multimedia Reflection serves to address the Technologist Module on eCampus Ontario and PD files.  To begin, I must address the issue within the video that spoke about XYZ approaches.  I must admit, I was unsure and naïve about this concept and had to do some research regarding the terminology used.  Subsequently, I came to find that this XYZ approachcan be trying to tie in elements of technology and integrating them realizingly within a classroom setting.  I found that this concept altered my perception about the passages I began to read and explore in depth.  Furthermore, I saw this module as a way to effectively use technology to deliver content that is relevant, interactive and informative.  When reviewing this module, it mentioned the importance of digital literacies and how they can be complex.  This reminded me of the Cynefin model for complex and chaotic designs.  I realized as an educator, I must consider the complexity of a task and how it may enhance a lessen or diminish a student’s confidence.  How would I choose a tool that could only benefit the learning environment?

This question was answered by looking deeper within the module to discover the Technologist Module Design Thinking Process.  Woven into this model is the premise that empathy should be at the root of all design related connections and prototypes.  I must look into the needs of students and develop a differentiated instructional method that is aimed towards equality and multiple intelligences.  In addition, I must do my best to remain fair and create effective lessons that integrate technology that is culturally respected and diverse.  As mentioned in the module, “design thinking needs to start with understand what that person needs and how they usually go about accessing it.”  Moreover, it provided a suggestion as to how to brainstorm using a Technology-Enables Learning Activity Document or Mindmap to achieve success within a class and as an educator.  Tools that I hope to use within a class setting!

For my project, I wanted to create a POWTOON that highlighted the use of “toolkits” and addresses digital practices clearly.  I wanted to define the role of using empathy and feedback from students to enhance practices.  Using the SAMR model and TPACK design, I decided to make it my mission to revolutionize the classroom atmosphere by constantly keeping focuses on what task needs to be accomplished, what success criteria has to be achieved and what expectations need to be reinforced.  In addition, I decided to do a Word Art in the shape of an apple to show “taking a bite out of education.”  I believe this is very important in order to illustrate how this technologist perspective comprises a multi-dimensional approach to learning.  It looks at a range of learners and the universal design to empathize with students to make sure needs are being met.  In addition, for my last multimedia reflection I created a music video that was developed using iMovie.  Personally, I find iMovie to be easier and faster to manipulate sources.  I did find PowToon to lag behind and I had to keep logging out and signing back in.  Furthermore, I had a tough time accessing some materials I wanted to use as this site is not free an accessible to all students and educators, there is a paid version with full access to high definition videos and cartoon characters.  I did draw a Word Art map that I think emphasizes the points made in this video well.  It outlines how education meets the fruit of knowledge.  And if students and educators learn to “bite” from good sources, they ultimately become healthy and digitally sound individuals. I have seen this in action, as during my practicum placement multiple lesson plans were modified or altered to ensure success of the students and to help their understanding of the material.

Technologist Approach Word Art

In my own practicum experience, I was only allowed to use the projector as the room limited my creativity to explore other options. However, after using the Tool Parade and realizing the endless possibilities technology provides, I am equipped with many worthwhile options that introduce effective learning strategies.  I cannot wait to use Google Expedition, Weebly, and Padlet to “revolutionize” the setting and provide students with the means to achieve and work with technology.

Ultimately, as an educator I wish to impart a technologically savvy wisdom that incorporates technology efficiently and successfully into the classroom setting.  It is easy to look at a lesson and choose a paper and pencil activity—but that is not the most effective way to teach.  How we augment these pieces within a lesson define the success rate of the students and the educational system that supports the growth and minds of our future children.  I am doing my best and using my “toolkit” to dive into multi-dimensional lessons that reinforce concepts and introduce inquiry and discovery learning techniques. I will not choose to sit by and use the same redundant methods that made me fall asleep in a class. No!  I choose to be an advocate for this technological integration by doing my research and modifying my practice.  I am ready for the challenge… Are You?


Anthony Pisciuneri

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This multimedia reflection serves to emphasize the article on Teaching in a Participatory Digital World and the online video with Henry Jenkins It is important that educators understand that “digital technology” has changed our perception of education.  I believe teachers and students must work harmoniously with one another and create environments that allow for an exchange of learning on many different digital platforms.  Jacobsen suggests the idea that teachers matter too, their practice matters, and the classroom environment they teach in should be used to foster knowledge.  These ideas make me think about how I use digital media in a purposeful manner.  When I begin my practicum experiences, what affordances will I have? What connections will I make with curriculum and with the technology I choose to implement? Most importantly, can I make learning effective through digital media platforms?

Before reading this text, I must admit I was hesitant to choose this topic, as I was unsure about this article would come across.  I assumed it was my duty as a millennial to know and understand the digital realm–after all, I grew up in it!  After reading, I was amazed to see how this can be implemented into my own practice.  After my own practicum experience, I started to get a sense of working in conjunction with students and how important it is to use technology in a representative way to deliver curriculum.  I believe this can connect me to relevant world events, solidify connections with students and augment lessons to be creative and effective.

For this multimedia reflection I decided to create a PowToon along with a music video.  I found this to be the most effective platform to use while reading this article and watching the Jenkins video.  I had a great experience using PowToon and believe this form of media provides me with the confidence to deliver powerful and influential learning objectives and outcomes.  As I have used this before, it was nice to be comfortable in a platform, while still learning new ways to add creative texts, fix tiny timing errors and implement intricate details and subtle allusions to material.  I hope to use this in my own class one day and maybe it will spark a vested interested in classroom material.  I hope you enjoy this video and please leave a comment—(constructive feedback is welcome!).

In addition, as Henry Jenkins explains, we must not “safeguard” any of these digital media sources, but use the technology at our finger tips.  I hope to use media itself, not use alternatives to these sources.  I want to use Twitter, Facebook and PowToon sources to redefine my teaching practices.  I do not want to look for other versions that are “second best,” but instead use the technology that is already given and make good use of it in a classroom setting.  I want to be a good role model to students and demonstrate how to use technology appropriately and represent uses for it within the classroom. I value the importance of learning new skills and do not fear technology, but embrace it.  Will this be easy? No! But I like the uncertainty.  I hope to create a forum for collaboration, create conducive learning spaces and open sources that are accessible to all. I am ready, the world is too!

This is a music video I have created, and it was not an easy task.  I did not fully understand what concepts I wanted to pull and what I needed to do to show from the Jenkins video.  When I first viewed the video, I pictured a go-getter, an individual who was a media agent for social change in a positive way.  I was walking around the house aimlessly with my laptop in my hand and was trying to figure out something relatable to this.  Well… my sister had on the “Fresh Prince of Bel-Air,” I was enlightened and extremely anxious to begin.  I ran to my room and knew I had to create the theme song with my own version of the words. It was a revolutionary experience, because I had found a connection to the material that truly resonated with me. Henry Jenkins is a media agent for social change and I considered Will (the main character) to be an individual who initiates change and pushes boundaries.  In class, we focused on being model learners as educators, looking at our artifacts with a revision lens.  I believe this form of reflective practice helps initiate conversations that inform education and develop new insightful learning techniques.  This was my inspiration behind the video… and I hope you enjoy it!


Anthony Pisciuneri

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NOT YETNESS IS A-OKAY!- Anthony Pisciuneri

This multimedia reflection serves to emphasize the Hybrid Pedagogy Podcast with Amy Collier and the importance of critical pedagogy within a classroom setting.  It is important that educators understand that there is no “best practice” for teaching, especially in a world where technology is changing how we access, understand and deliver information.  Amy explains the importance of “not yetness” and how we must encourage teachers to be willing to grow and create new ways of reaching students using the present-day technology.  Uncertainty, risk and discomfort is okay—for it is what motivates us to keep searching for effective educational practices.  As a future educator, I value the importance of learning new skills and gaining information using multimodality platforms.  In addition, this inspires me to use these methods within a classroom setting and relate curriculum to student experiences through forms of substitution, augmentation, modification and perhaps redefinition, in order to delivery curriculum efficiently and with the utmost enthusiasm.

Link to Podcast is below

I hope you enjoy this POWTOON video. The link of the video is listed below.


Anthony Pisciuneri


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