Author Archives: oakeyc

Making Use of Technology

Technology has come a long way in the last decade and has made our lives easier in so many different ways. As technology has become more prevalent in our lives it only makes sense that we incorporate it into the classroom. The only problem with trying to incorporate technology into the classroom is that many teachers are not sure how to do it. That is why Extend has created a great site that breaks down how teachers can incorporate technology into their lessons.

Using the infographic below I briefly explain what the main takeaways from Extend’s site are. It is an infographic that allows the reader to quickly gather what some of the main points are from the site and how they can start incorporating technology into the classroom. I decided to use an infographic because they are a great visual to help catch the readers eye. I also choose to use it since it allowed me to clearly write down and show the steps necessary to start using technology in the classroom.

Upon going through the website and participating in the modules that Extend had I gained a few new tips for ways of making use of technology in the classroom. First of all when reading the articles I related what I was reading back to the SAMR Model I had learned about before. Fromm the article they talked about how using technology needs to be useful for the users. When I was reading this I thought of how by using SAMR we want to try and aim for more than just substitution. So if I want to incorporate technology into my classroom I want to try and use that technology to enhance the learning experience or make it easier for my students to solve problems by using technology. Another aspect from the Extend website I found could be very useful for someone trying to use technology is the prototype step. This prototype steps talks about designing, sharing, and refining your use of technology. I think this is a very important step for new teachers trying to use technology. By understanding that the technology might not be perfect the first time you trying using it, helps the teacher not get discouraged when the design does not work. Understanding that taking advice from users will help the teacher to rethink the technology and improve its use in the lesson is a key component. Overall I think this website clearly lays out how to begin using technology in the classroom. There are also many useful links embedded within the Extend website itself. Now if you just want a brief outline of what is on the Extend website then checkout my infographic below!


Advancing With Digital Technology in the Classroom

After reading “Teaching in a Participatory Digital World” by Michele Jacobsen and watching a YouTube video about Henry Jenkins (see video below) I have reflected upon a few things that I noticed have changed in classrooms today.

Digital technology has recently been studied and viewed as a positive learning tool for students in the the classroom. Using digital technology can allow for a greater social interaction among students within a class. It can also allow for social interaction and learning with others outside of the classroom. The use of digital technology in the classroom can further be seen as useful since outside of school almost all learning will occur in complex social environments. I have created a Twitter essay to give further insight on my thoughts about digital technologies place in the classroom. I even talk about what I have noticed since being out on my first teaching placement. Below is a link to my Twitter essay.


Chasing Digital Ghosts Out Of The Classroom

An article by Ashley Hinck called “Digital Ghosts In The Modern Classroom” looks at the problems students have with learning to create digital media. Hinck talks about how the way students learn today is giving them false expectations about how to actually create digital media. Students are used to following a specific set of steps or guidelines for performing a certain task. Most of the time by following these guidelines the students will reach their desired end goal. Then students who have completed their task will show their teacher and she will congratulate them for being able to follow basic steps. Now this may sound a little silly but this is generally what tends to happen.

Students also have access to many websites or apps that allow them to use short cuts or pre made themes to design. Students can just select a theme and they can make something look creative without ever really having done anything creative themselves.

This point struck me pretty hard as I came across this when designing my own info graphic below. It was easy for me to select a theme, but then when I wanted to change a feature that is when I ran into trouble. A few times the web page would freeze or the wrong feature would change. These were just a couple of the small problems I had to overcome to create my info graphic.

The process or learning skill I often had to use well designing this info graphic was trial and error. This is a skill that many students today are overlooking. Students always want to get it right the first time or are afraid to fail. This is something that I want to emphasize in my teaching. Small failures every now and then are what lead to success! Tasks in life are not always going to be able to get accomplished by following a set of steps someone has laid out for you. That is why I think it is critical students go through trial and error as it allows them to develop creativity, be imaginative, and form critical thinking strategies. Not only will these skills be useful when developing digital media but they will translate across many domains of life.

-Craig Oakey