Author Archives: johns14x

I came to learn, but became a DJ

Hey everyone and welcome back to the blog!

I am excited to present another Multimedia reflection based on the eCampus Ontario’s open PD module of Technologist.  First off I think having open PD is amazing!  This allows teachers to extend their knowledge and have openness in education.  If teachers can learn openly then students will be able to learn openly as well.

For my final reflection I wanted to make a music video, like I did for my first reflection.  I did have one exception though.  If I was going to make another music video I had to write my own music and lyrics with a tool I was unfamiliar with.  I figured if the module challenged teachers to try new technology tools for the classroom I would start now.  I started with a beat, and added some loops.  I played around with FX, made the video, and got to use my DJ name I created with my brother when I was 7.  I hope you enjoy this video and might try garage band for yourself in the future.  Needless to say I had a lot of fun!

Music, Lyrics, Videography, and Editing by Stephanie Johnston

The Technologist module had a very distinctive 5-step process for trying to incorporate technology into the classroom for the benefit of the learners.  I am now much more reflective on my own classrooms when I am thinking of new activities.

5-step process for incorporating technology

The 5-step model that the Technologist module provides.

I think this 5-step process in good for incorporating anything into the classroom.  First we need to try and understand our students in the empathize step.  From there we need to figure out what problem or challenge we want to solve.  One recommendation is that teachers start with something small.  Teachers don’t need to pick a challenge that is too big for them, and that may ultimately make the learners more confused.  The next step of ideate is where technology starts to get involved.  As the teachers we need to think of cool technology or anything cool for that matter that might engage students.  Next is testing the tool.  The testing is like peer editing a paper.  Everyone is worried to see what others think, but ultimately the paper (or in this case, classroom tool) is better because of the editing.  As the teacher you need to test out your new tool for the classroom. Lastly, you need to connect your tool to the curriculum.  You can’t implement something just for fun.  There needs to be a way to connect the tool to the curriculum because our duty as teachers is to teach the curriculum.  Ultimately, as teachers I think that there is a huge importance on trying new things in the classroom to keep students engaged and interested.

Thanks for checking out my final multimedia reflection!


Crossing the Redlining Line

This week the assignment was to read about digital redlining  through the voice of Chris Gilliard.  He presents information about why digital media is a topic that students should be educated on, and why not finding the information you are looking for doesn’t mean it’s not there.  I decided a fun way to display my opinion and the opinion of others would be as an online magazine.  The magazine is traditional in the sense that there are ads, top lists, articles, a Q & A column, and much more.  You can find my opinion of digital redlining and accessibility on page 7 & 8.

I had never heard of the concept of digital redlining before, but I knew about restrictions imposed by schools.  My school for undergrad had weird websites that would become blocked on occasion, such as the schools own website.  When I am at placement social media websites are blocked, which can make it very hard to message others if you are using messenger to communicate.  At Windsor I have not experienced digital redlining, which I am thankful for.  Seeing as my internet at my apartment has been down during this project I was glad to not have any restricted access while I would work at Windsor.

In Gillard’s article I was intrigued that this issue seems to stem from money.  This does not surprise me, but people making the conscious decision to restrict someones access because they can’t afford the more expensive schooling is unfair.  Employers might miss out on great candidates simply because they didn’t have all of the tools they needed to make them stand out.  The more Gillard discussed digital redlining the more of a problem I had with this concept.  My problem was that I was understanding this for the first time and I knew how wrong this was.  Another major problem I had with digital redlining was that sometimes people don’t know it is happening.  People may be informed they are missing out on information by getting an access denied message, while others will just never know.  Sure, we can try and change digital redlining, but how can some if they don’t even know that it is happening.

I decided to create a free online magazine, because that is something that is accessible to everyone.  If I made people pay to read my magazine I would be creating my own digital redlining on a project about how bad digital redlining is.  Rather then restrict something because someone can’t afford the product, I wanted to combat digital redlining the one way I thought I could.  By creating a free resource for all.

In my classroom I will educate students about this concept.  If they know about this concept maybe they will try and combat digital redlining.  I want to create students that are passionate for change and creating equal opportunities.  I will educate my students about the importance of not letting others hold them back because of restrictions they may have put on them.  I want my students to see their ability in the tech world and real world, and make connections between the two. 

Click on the link below to check out the first edition of Teacher Tech Monthly!



“Hello” It’s Okay to Fail

Hey everyone,

I hope you are ready for a parody because that is exactly what you will find below.  The first half of the song is more of a summary of the article we read for class which was titled “Digital Ghosts in the Modern Classroom“.  The concept of the article was that students have lost their ability to be creative and are not as willing to accept failure.  I think Ashley Hinck’s concept in her article is captured when she says “The assumption that digital media making has linear, standardized steps also affects students’ perceptions of the process of making itself. It turns any problems students encounter into failures, and each success just a predictable step toward the more important final product. ” I think this was the main concept Hinck was trying to convey when she talked about template websites causing students to feel like they are failing.

The second half of the song is my reply to the article.  I agreed with some of the ideas surrounding the main point, but ultimately disagree.  I don’t think the template style websites are the reason students are afraid to fail.  Students have been afraid to fail for longer then the template websites have been around.  I also think that students can take the pre-made templates and make them their own.  I did try to enhance my understanding of Hinck’s view by using a template website.  I used IMovie and YouTube for this video.  I was able to take the templates and completely make the video my own.  I did come across challenges as well such as synchronizing my singing with the video.  Although I hit some road blocks I was never afraid to fail, which is more of a reflection on the way I have been taught rather than types of digital technologies I have tried.  I never felt hindered in my creativity from selecting to use a template website as defined by Hinck.  I don’t believe there is lack of creativity solely because of template websites.

In my classroom I hope to facilitate exploration through digital technologies and analog technologies.  I want to be able to encourage my students to try and use new tools without pressure of being right or wrong.  I hope that in my classroom students feel excited about learning new tools and feel encouraged to be creative.
