Author Archives: campe111

EXTEND: Integrating Technology into Every Class!

After researching and going through the eCampus Ontario’s Technologist Module during class and outside of class, I decided to represent the information I gathered through and Infographic. When it comes to design, I do not see myself as creative therefore using the templates provided by Canva I created my Infographic. Using these templates, I am free to choose artifacts I want to provide while still being covered if anything were to go wrong. I want readers to be able to have an idea of the Technologist Module, while still having to explore the site for further information. Throughout the 2 years in our Education Program, it has been made clear that everyone has a different comfort level when it comes to integrating technology into his or her lessons. I, myself, am open to the integration of tech in the classroom using the steps provided in my Infographic.

This module did a terrific job of going step by step through digital-thinking, including empathize, define, ideate, prototype, and connect. Emphasize deals with realizing what a person needs. It all starts with empathy. The Define step is about narrowing in and identifying the problem/challenge based on your discovery of the learner. This step is key in the design process since it is the focal point used to build a solution. In this step, the module states that a good learner challenge is one that: (a) provides focus and frames the challenge; (b) inspires you and others around you; (c) informs how you will evaluate subsequent ideas; (d) capture the hearts and minds of your users; and (e) helps you focus on developing concepts and plans that meet the needs for most of the people that matter. In the third step of digital-thinking, Ideate, the module guides us to form and build the ideal features and characteristics of our tool could address the learner challenge. During this step, it is best to ask yourself the question ‘how might I?’ while making a mind map. The second to last step is the Protoype. At this stage, it is time to try out the creation. Instead of simply talking about the tool created, the module indicates that you would attain richer feedback if you give learners and tangible creation instead. The prototype steps are design, share, refine. Last, but definitely not least, is the Connect step. To me this is one of the most important steps. You must connect the tool through an activity that connect to the curriculum. If there is no connection to the curriculum then the tool will have to reworked and have to go through all the steps again.

Through the step explanations and following activities, each module did a great job at helping the readers understand how to implement the steps in their classroom. Throughout my practicum experiences, I have not been able to implement technology as much as I would of liked to, but after reading and exploring this module I have found different ways to integrate technology through teaching lessons, assessment, lesson planning, and more.


I have included my Technologist Modules Inforgraphic as a PDF for all to enjoy!

Click here to kill EVERYBODY

I chose to look at look into Bruce Schneier’s radio talk with CBC called Internet plus: Now everything can be hacked! This talk is about Schneier’s new book Click Here to Kill Everybody. I agree with the article which states that the name of the book is quite terrifying. Just look at the cover.

Bruce being a security guru, subtitles his new book “Security and Survival in a Hyper-Connected World.” Throughout the talk, he discusses the real risks in the world, since everything is becoming a computer and networked in such ways he calls “internet plus.” Our world is becoming very IT-dependent, even if we don’t think we are using technology.

Schneier brings up examples that our world never had to think about until now. For example; ransomeware attacks on thermostats. People across the world or country can hack into our thermostat and turn it off until you pay a lump some of money. Everything in our world can harm us! In the past, people were able to threaten you by stealing private information from a hospital, for example, and simply embarrass you. But now a days, people are able to change your blood type in the database, which could potentially kill you.

We have lived through some of these threats! They might not be in our backyard but we have definitely heard about them. For example; Russia has taken out power plants in the Ukraine twice.

Schneier brings up another good point about us not paying for security in our everyday tools. When we are looking for a refrigerator, we aren’t looking for the one with the best security measures. We are looking for the best features at the best price. When we shop for anything, security does not seem to be one of the features we look for. But maybe it should become one.

An idea brought forward through this discussion is not limited to the safety of everyone in our world. Since everything around us is becoming more and more technological, I feel that we are relying to much on technology. I think to myself, “What is this world coming to?” Schneier brought up a good example that makes me reflect  on this questions. He reminds us of how Russia took out power plants all the way in the Ukraine without even leaving their country. People around the world are willing to go to further lengths to harm people. because they do not have to leave the comfort of their own home. Again, this is just my point of view.

Before reading this discussion, I knew of the crimes that happen around the world through technology but not necessarily the extent of them. Watching many crime shows, they give us visuals of what is going around in the “real” world. But I have never seen a show where people are attacking thermostats to get an easy pay day. In the future, when I am buying anything technological, I will definitely research to have the proper safety tools.

To connect all the ideas given throughout this talk, I chose to make a mind map. I believe that it is a good way to portray all of Bruce Schneire’s ideas and concepts. He is definitely someone with a lot of insight into the world of security, especially with technology. I hope we can learn from our mistakes and from all the examples shown throughout the world. Safety and security is not something we can just pass by. We need to always make sure our information and our loved ones are always safe. But how far are we going to half to go to accomplish that?


Shortcuts/templates aren’t that great!

I chose to read Ashley Hinck’s article ‘Digital Ghost in the Modern Classroom‘. This article talks about how teachers have been incorporating more and more technology into their classroom. According to Hinck, classrooms have yet to leap from the standardized education. Teachers are simply replacing the paper and pencils with a digital templates. The article explores how shortcuts and template websites and platforms influence students while in the classroom and in their everyday lives. When the students are given a platform with shortcuts and templates allows students to complete their work as long as it’s in the predetermined spaces within their selected template.


I chose to summarize this article using a canva template. I chose this because I wanted to attempt to stay within the the predetermined template. Through this process, I realized that it was difficult to formulate what I wanted to say about the article. I believe that to truly integrate digital technologies into the classroom where they can truly benefit students, we (as teachers) need to provide them with the opportunity to explore and create. When gearing away from template based platforms will most likely result in failure but it is important to understand that failure is necessary in the process of learning. Shifting from template based learning to active exploration will help shift from standardized to authentic education.