Author Archives: cervi4

Put Learning First

For my final multimedia reflection, I chose to create an infographic using Canva to summarize the key points of the Teacher for Learning Module from the eCampus website provided to us during class time. I chose to design an infographic for my third multimedia reflection because this is a visually pleasing way of conveying the main points of the Teacher for Learning Module. I enjoyed going through the creative process trying to find the proper layout and design for this post. I also enjoyed scrolling through the clip art to try and find the right image for each section of the module. I did find difficulty with some of the text boxes and trying to get used to how the clip art worked. I also had a difficult time adjusting through font sizes and entering new text boxes. All together, I would not say Canva is the most user friendly product when designing posters and visual aids but the final product, in my opinion, always looks clean and professional.

The overall goal of the Teacher for Learning Module is to ensure students are not just memorizing and regurgitating material. The point of this module is to ensure students gain a deeper understanding and appreciation of the material just as the educator does. This is crucial because there are an endless amount of teachers and educators that have a great passion and appreciation for the material they are trying to deliver to students but fall short of this delivery and assessment scores exemplify this. It is crucial for us as educators to make this profound connection with students because this is where true “Learning” and comprehension of the material presented can take place. As a student, I have seen teachers suffer this pitfall of education and it can be extremely troublesome because it hinders relaying further material. I have also experienced this pitfall in my own practicum experiences. This module is broken down into Seven Segments which give educators a background on how to connect the material with students effectively, and further build upon these lessons progressively using differentiated instruction.

These Seven Segments include:

Prior Knowledge: Focuses on the previous misconceptions and knowledge students bring into the classroom at the beginning of an educational experience. This can be either beneficial of detrimental to the overall experience of the student. New material should be connected to previous knowledge in an effective manner to ensure for effective comprehension of the student.

Organize Knowledge: The way we present information and how we subsequently categorize new knowledge can make dramatic differences in our students’ learning. We can help learners to make sense of new information by being explicit about how we suggest information fits with prior knowledge. Universal Design for Learning acknowledges that there is great variation in how individuals learn. Two major points of Universal Design for Learning:

  • Learning should be designed to be accessible to everyone
  • The general premise is that information should be conveyed in a variety of ways, known as “multiple means of representation.”

Motivation: What drives you to do something? What drives learners? Motivation is a complex topic that has been studied in many contexts and has many variables. However, there are a few things you can do to make stronger connections for students to motivate them to learn. Motivation can determine, direct, and sustain what students do to learn. Consider the acronym WIIFM (what’s in it for me?). You can use WIIFM as a helpful lens to consider your students.

Mastery: This principal is all about breaking down what we believe to be the most trivial of concepts to essentially those who are at a novice level. One of the most difficult aspects of deconstructing the skills and concepts associated with achieving mastery occurs when dealing with “threshold concepts.” These are often essential concepts in the discipline that must be understood in order to achieve mastery but are extremely challenging because once you fully understand them it is almost impossible to conceive of the topic without them. This is often described as an “expert blind spot.” If you have an expert blind spot, it’s difficult to break down the concept into its component parts because your thinking has been irrevocably transformed. It’s our role as educators to try and remember this.

Feedback and Practice: Feedback is most effective when it is provided at the right time for the learner. Often we design our assessments at the end of the learning to measure the final product, and we do not provide sufficient opportunities to scaffold learners toward the goal. The latter is known as formative assessment and can be immensely beneficial to you as a teacher in determining if your learners are on track. It is even more important for your learners to discover for themselves how well they are doing and how they can improve in particular areas.

Climate of the Course: This segment involves creating a safe and inclusive classroom climate for information to flow and effective comprehension of material to take place.

You can promote positive climate in your classroom by:

  • Providing opportunities for small-group learning and interaction.
  • Listening carefully.
  • Offering opportunities to be heard.
  • Providing an environment that makes uncertainty safe.
  • Examining your assumptions.
  • Being respectful and inclusive.
  • Considering cognitive, psychomotor, and affective domains.


Self-directed learning and actively taking the time to reflect on one’s own learning is described as metacognition. Developing metacognitive skills through deliberate practice and embedded checkpoints fosters intellectual habits that are valuable across disciplines. These checkpoints should occur at the beginning of the learning where students are encouraged to practice task assessment and planning. Metacognition should continue through the evaluation of the outcomes and adjust approaches accordingly.

Strategies to promote Metacognition:

  • Be explicit; indicate what you don’t want; provide performance criteria.
  • Provide opportunities to peer and self-assess; practice; and give feedback.
  • Ask your students whether the answer they provide is reasonable given the problem.


-Anthony Cervi




The Jacobsen Article and the Henry Jenkins video both provide a call to action in regards to how we educate the youth and prepare them for the future workforce of tomorrow. Both the video and the article have a standpoint of providing and integrating more mobile technology into the realm of education. Major shifts need to occur from our outdated 20th Century education model which is meant for standardization, individualization, and memorization. Education must evolve into a more communal and interactive class structures which is filled with rich meaningful learning experiences. Education must be engaging and provide authentic work for students to truly understand the material provided. Education must also evolve to develop the competencies needed for future adult performance in the workplace. Skills such as networking, team work, question-posing, and critical assessment must be taught and imparted on students to ensure they are ready to be functioning and successful adults in the workplace of the future. In order for this type of educational shift to occur, it is not just a matter of teachers teaching harder. It is imperative that the educational structure goes through a top down deconstruction and reconstruction. It also requires teachers who are engaging and skilled in the material they are presenting to students and also in the craft of teaching. This is where the technology integration comes to the forefront. The internet is not used the same way it was 10 years ago. The internet has become a place of interconnectivity and special interaction. Things such as social media, Google, Wikipedia, Blogger, the iphone and ipad, are all mobile tools which constantly keep students connected to each other and different resources and opinions around the world. New concepts and new ideas present themselves continuously on the internet and with the mobile and hand-held technology of students every day. It is absolutely crucial education systems use and embrace these technologies to the fullest extent to help mold and create an enhanced 21st Century education model.

In reflection to these two media outlets, I have decided to design a sketchnote. The first thing I wanted to start with was my beginning and end. In the Jacobsen Article, it made a point of saying our 20th Century education system must evolve and change using the technology available to us as teachers. This made sense for me to start my sketchnote with 20th Century education. The article also made a point of stating how the internet and computing as a whole have changed. This has created 21st century learning and work spaces. It made sense to me to make my endpoint a greater 21st Century education model.  The major points I used to follow in order to get from my start point to my end point were; Major Shifts, Rich & Meaningful Learning, Develop the Competencies they Need for Expert Adult Performance, Engaged and Skilled Teachers, Enhanced Learning Experience, Active Participation in Knowledge Construction, and finally Technology Integration. I chose these because I felt these themes had the most significant meaning to the overall point of the article and video. I also integrated quotes relating to each major theme which were either found in the article or the video. A major aspect of my sketchnote reflection which I would like to point out is the placement of the theme Engaged & Skilled Teachers. This was placed specifically in the middle of the sketchnote because I felt this was the most important part of the both the video and the article. Without Engaged & Skilled Teachers in the education system, this reconstruction of education is not possible. All the great and innovative ideas and technology can be presented but with an absence of these teachers, the material cannot be presented to students in an effective way. The technology available cannot be organized and structured in an effective manner and the material provided to the students cannot be meaningful, engaging, and structured in a way that prepares students for the workplace of the future.  #UWinDig

Not Yetness: A Critical Pedagogical Story

The Hybridpod Podcast emphasises the transition required in order to take our traditional systematic approach to education and integrate Critical Pedagogy. This does not require just an integration of technology. At this point in the 21st century technology has already been integrated in the classroom. This technology however has only been integrated around what the establishment believes is best practices. “If this is what was done previously, how do we reach those outcomes but with technology?” Amy Collier, the guest speaker on the podcast argues this is not the right way to approach education. She argues the point of stepping back from what we know to be best practices and practice ‘Not Yetness’. ‘Not Yetness’ is a practice of taking on the high risk of teaching what we do not quite understand yet in the chance that the student and the teacher embark on something truly extraordinary. The idea of best practices and specific outcomes taking away from the riskiness of education is fundamentally wrong. The education process is a risky one and with such high risk comes a greater chance for reward. Tenure and security are not the only important things in teaching. Amy explains how this integrates well with the idea of Critical Pedagogy because they both ask questions of the current education establishment. Education is not meant to be about specific and established outcomes derived by people of power who went to school 30 years ago. Education is about exploring the unknown, diving into different forums, asking critical questions, trying to answer big and important questions and taking a risk to try and have a truly enlightened educational experience. We as future teachers should not act as machines and try to program each student in the same exact way. When we do this, all we are left with is Credential Clones and we have what is known is a canned educational process. Each child is fed the same exact process and expected to meet the same exact objectives doing the same exact exercises. With this process, individuation is stripped from students. We as teachers should be encouraging a move out of the classroom and take fieldtrips to different forums to interact and see what the real world is like. Education is in a delicate state. New processes of teaching and learning are presenting themselves with the help of different technological forums. However, this raises some unpredictability in education but “what becomes unpredictable is incredible.”
