The Ways We Can Improve our Teaching & Learning

The podcast entitled “Questioning Learning” with Chris Friend and Amy Collier was really interesting and beneficial for me. It has made me realize that online learning may not be the best way to have fair learning and there are some other options.

Schools always work on doing what’s fair. Fair is an aspect that needs to be taken serious. With the diversity around the world and schools, it is important not to choose favourites and make sure it is equal among the classroom. This podcast talks about just that and I agree with it 100%. The biggest struggle with fairness is online courses. They are encouraged for many students especially in university but what if the student has a learning disability? Will they be able to take the online course? Personally, I don’t think so. Online courses are designed to be the same for each and every student no matter the way you learn. I agree with the learning outcomes as well. How are you supposed to put each student on the same scale? Not every student will have the same results and be in the same place at the end. Instead of putting what they should understand, they should have questions at the end of the semester that should be able to be answered based on the work throughout the semester. I really enjoyed the podcast and agree with everything that was said.

Image result for fairness

The mind map I have created displays key points that were spoken about throughout the podcast. Online courses, understanding, learning outcomes and canned courses were the four topics that really stood out. Each one is designed with their own colour in order to understand the differences between each one. It is easily visible with the bigger titles and different colours. The few pictures add to it by putting some visuals. There are not many because I felt like it would be too busy and the words explain themselves.  Please visit the below link to see what the mind map was created looks like.

Mind Map – Questioning Learning

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