Learning From Failures- The Need for Digital Pedagogy

For my digital artifact I created a twitter essay discussing the article Digital Ghost in the Modern Classroom by Ashley Hinck.  Hinck felt that template based digital media platforms have shaped the minds of the youth who have grew up using them.  Similar to many aspects of the education system, these platforms are linear.  They follow steps, theres always a working product or a “right answer,”  and the simplicity has made students shy away from the trial and error process.  It is important for for educators to encourage students to use platforms such as HTML, where you don’t follow steps but instead create.  Students need to learn the value of failing in the learning process.  Students need to learn that trial and error are important aspects of growing.  Critical digital pedagogy will use platforms like HTML to help students grow into creators and develop a voice.  Many aspects of this will benefit students cross-curricular, as they are not just simply learning technology.  Creativity and being able to learn from failures our great qualities that will help students develop into well-rounded learners.

Here are some highlights from my twitter essay, please use the link at the top of the post to view the essay in its entirety.


Joseph Power

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