The Classroom of the future

The Article (original)

laptops, classrooms, and matters of electrate concern


The much more creative response (Original by: Kyle)



The Writing Part

I chose to do Piktochart again because I think this format can have a lot of fun and get the point across very quickly. The format also fit the article I chose to respond to, in case you missed it  is an article that goes on to say that technology is very scary and nobody has a real plan for it yet. When I say nobody has a plan, I mean nobody: not the teachers, not the students, not the parents or the principals. Yet this is an emerging area of learning that is only growing and it cannot be ignored, and it cannot be contained by a small plastic pouch.

It is easy to dismiss technology and call it a fad that is not worth investing too many resources in. However, is that what teaching is really about? I always thought teaching was about pushing the envelope and refining your lessons and making them as interesting for the students as possible. Technology is giving us (the teachers) a chance to teach in a way that was not available before and will improve before we know it; and I intended to embrace it and try and help my students see past technology as a faucet for social media. When I decided on becoming a teacher I envisioned myself being the laid back English teacher who would do things as boring predecessors had done before me. As I spent more time in the ed program I realized how fun being new could be and all the technology I had at my disposal could help me make a difference. In my placements I never really used tech at all, aside from a slide show or two. Reflecting on those experiences I realize how I can add to each lesson or change them entirely with different mediums that I never would have thought could be used for teaching. Twitter and instagram were becoming less of a social media construct and became a way to easily share and reflect on one another work. Technology is something I will be using in the future and it will be something I’m going to fail at using but its going to be something I never stop trying.

Technology as I stated is always changing and improving which is why I chose to do a Piktochart again. If this platform is still relevant I wanted to show that I could improve on my work from the previous lesson because I felt that I could still do better. As long as a platform is relevant I do not see the problem in using it again as long as you can get a firmer handle on how to use it to your advantage. I think technology only becomes a problem when you are lazy with it. If you are constantly trying to better yourself like with any new skill, such as, juggling it only becomes boring when you stop adding more balls. When you feel like you’ve mastered all juggling has to offer go try a new skill. With regards to technology I feel like I have mastered Piktochart and I am eager to start my next response in a new platform I can grow with.


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