Cellphones: The Ruler of Society

Cellphones. These are the rulers over people in today’s society. Everyone is always on their phones reading text messages, looking at Facebook or Instagram, taking pictures, checking email. This is especially prevalent in today’s youth. Yousif’s article entitled Tackling tech: How some Ontario teachers are attempting to limit students cellphone use discusses this issue among student’s in the classroom setting. The article starts off by saying that students are allowed to take their phone to their desks with them but only on one condition: they are required to place them in a special pouch before they put them in their desk. These specials pouches are called Yondr cases which lock once the phone is placed in it and can only be released when the teacher unlocks it. It has been found to create a positive impact in the classroom setting. I would love to use these pouches in my future classroom. I believe everyone would benefit from these cases including the teacher and students. In my first placement, I found that all of my students were constantly trying to hide their cellphones in their desk and I found it very distracting as the teacher. I was always telling students to put their phones away or to go put them in their lockers. If every school had these cases I think that it would eliminate the distractions for students. I believe that school boards need to look into investing into these cases because their current methods of no cellphones are not really working.

I chose this medium because I thought that it would be a great opportunity to practice my movie making skills. I used iMovie for my last project and wanted to continue to practice my skills by creating another type of video. I used the website www.promo.com to create my video. I was able to use some clips and pictures from their website but I was also able to import my own as well. I did enjoy using this site because I found it to be very user-friendly and easy to use. My only issue with the website was that you could only use five of their clips to create a video unless you wanted to pay for it. Even though I experienced this, I would still recommend the site to anyone who is not familiar with the video making process.





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