To Learnify or to Not Learnify…that is the Question

For this multimedia reflection, I chose to do a sketchnote on the HybridPod – Questioning Learning. At first I was not too interested in going through this podcast because at the start, Amy Collier, the interviewee, was using many terms that were a bit ambiguous.  Some of these terms include learnification, not-yetness, and critical pedagogy. As the podcast progressed, I naturally started to gain a better understanding of the terminology being used. I became interested in the learning aspects and models being discussed.  The podcast focuses on the idea that education should be more willing to be fluid and ever- changing, rather than structured and strategic at times.  As individual’s learn in many different styles and modes, educators must be able to accommodate these styles and learn to incorporate them in our teaching practices.  Amy describes how life is not meant to be controlled by a formula, but creative and expressive factors.  This idea is reflected in how it may be risky for future educators to take strides and do things with out of the box thinking, but the rewards for it are remarkable. I think it is really important that teachers understand this idea and start implementing it in their classrooms.

Digital Assignment 1 PodCast PDF

In terms of the sketch note, I had never done anything quite like it this art form before. This past weekend, I attended a retreat that included a few guest speakers and received the chance to practice sketchnoting in real time. At first it felt really uncomfortable and I felt anxious about other people looking over to see my different words, sketches and unrealistic ideas, but eventually I came to truly enjoy it and realized the benefits of using this artistic form.  As a future educator, I hope to incorporate media into classroom settings through forms of augmentation, modification and hopefully one day, redefinition.  This will allow me to embrace the field of media and new advances and reach all students, learning styles and abilities.  I am not afraid to go “out of the box,” feel uncomfortable and pursue uncertainty in my teachings.  It pushes me to reach new boundaries and formulate new effective practices.  I hope you enjoy this sketch note (mind map).

P.s. If you are looking for a link to the podcast, click on the link below!


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