Is There a Digital Ghost Haunting You?

After reading the article Digital Ghosts in the Modern Classroom by Ashley Hinck, I was given a better understanding of the consequences of constantly using worksheets and pre-made templates in schools for the students’ creativity. Hinck points out that, by using those templates, we are preventing students from being creative and setting them up for what they see as a failure, when they struggle to do something on their own. Especially in a digital sense, when using templates on websites, we are restricting ourselves to a very small number of templates that might not fit what we are trying to express. As I mentioned briefly in the video, I was able to, first hand, experience what Hinck was talking about. I was becoming very frustrated working on this video because it was far from straight forward. I did what I could manage and below you will find that doodle video, made on Animaker. The video summarizes the points I thought were most important from the article, as well as touches on a few of my feelings on the topic, which may resonate with you or you may disagree with! Cheers.

My link doesn’t seem to want to cooperate but this Nelly song does, so partly to prove that I wasn’t lacking digital skills and just didn’t know how to do it (and I did trial-and-error several things), partly because throwback Nelly is great, and partly because it was only just a dream that I thought everything would work out smoothly, I decided to leave it here for you guys to enjoy! Just don’t forget to click on the hyperlink above to see my video!

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