The Red Scare: How Digital Redlining Has Infiltrated Our Society

For this week’s multimedia reflection I decided to tackle Chris Gilliard’s article Digital Redlining Access Privacy

Overall, I found Gilliard’s article quite fascinating. Though I had been previously aware of the traditional concept of redlining, the notion of digital redlining was a new discovery.

As a student in the Greater Essex County District School Board, I often complained about the internet restrictions preventing me from reaching websites hosting video games. Not once had I stopped to think that there would be other limitations, aside from the safe search function. After attending what Gilliard considers a higher-level institution, I once again complained about my access to internet resources. I can recall, on many occasions, being blocked by a paywall on academic hosting sites but had not considered the notion of their existence being scrubbed from my search results. Gilliard’s exposition on the fact that digital redlining attempts to limit working class students, seeking an education, from discovering new ideas and pathways in life.

To cover the ideas represented in Gilliard’s article, I decided to create a twitter thread incorporating gifs to highlight important concepts.

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