Technology Isn’t So Scary After All

For my second Multimedia reflection I decided to respond to Michele Jacobson’s Article, Teaching in a Participatory Digital World . In this article, the author gives an in depth analysis on how the evolution of technology is affecting the education system and how teachers play an important role in providing students with the tools they require to succeed in this new digital world.

I decided to attempt a twitter essay for my response after participating in our class discussion on twitter last week. I decided this because of how the combination of that twitter discussion and reading this article has really changed my view on participatory learning and this new digital education that is increasingly popular. At the beginning of this class I was not comfortable with the thought of sharing my social networking platforms with my peers, and I was terrified of the thought of using these social platforms in a professional way. This was mainly because I wasn’t quite sure how to go about it, however we are now two months into this class ad I have made a tremendous amount of progress when it comes to stepping out of my comfort zone, and attempting things in the digital world that I would have never imagined I’d be capable of. This twitter essay really forced me to step outside of my comfort zone and try something new.



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