GHOSTS!!!! where are they???

I chose the article “Digital ghosts in our classroom” by Ashley Hinck”.

In this article, the author discussed the difficulties teachers are facing in their digital learning classes.

Students think that digital classes are fun, easy and helpful because they are trapped in the idea that digital learning is just follow directions to get to the final product with the minimum failure.Ashley blames this on the traditional learning where students are locked in their boxes and teachers are pouring information to fill these boxes. this system is limiting our students’ creativity and openness.

Teachers are trying now to move students from the ‘drag and drop’ ,templates and platdorms to more open platforms like ‘Raspberry pi’ and ‘scratch’ but the frustration of the unknown results is holding the students back.

The ghosts of worksheets and templates are still hovering over the students and their learning.

I chose a sketchnote for my assignment and I enjoyed making it     (it wasn’t easy). I had the control over choosing font, colors, pictures….for coming assignment, I will try to use a different source.

As a student, I learned the same traditional way so I understand their frustration but I totally agree with Ashley.

As a teacher, I will encourage my students to use more open platforms, be creative and enjoy the results.

Digital Ghosts in the Modern Classroom

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