Embracing the Learning Process: A THREAD!

I chose the podcast with Collier and Friend because I found it extremely interesting after reading a brief synopsis on the contents. Collier’s points throughout the podcast made me reflect on not-yetness within my own learning experience and I noticed that in the past I have sometimes gotten caught up in the idea of education being a step-by-step process with only one answer. This may be due to a mix of teaching styles utilized by teachers and my own attitudes within the realm of various classes throughout my career as a student, but it is something that I needed to be exposed to earlier in my life. I definitely agree that the current education system forces students to focus solely on the end result, which causes them to become frustrated when they don’t get something right away. It is definitely important to help students understand that it is perfectly okay to make mistakes, especially when it is with something they are not completely familiar with at the time. If this idea can become ingrained into students’ minds by promoting the ideas of not-yetness and risk-taking, the learning process can become much more beneficial for future students. This podcast is something that I could have used much earlier in my schooling experience, but I am glad to have access to its contents now so adjustments can be made throughout the rest of my life.

I chose to do a Twitter thread because I feel it gives a nice mix of explanation through text and visual aids through GIFS. Sometimes it is harder to transmit ideas (especially more emotional ones) through text, so I felt as if this would be a good choice for my first blog post. One drawback of using Twitter as a platform for the assignment is that there is a character limit per tweet, which is obviously made easier by being able to make a thread of ideas, but sometimes there are certain ideas that I wanted to convey all within one tweet and was forced to make it into multiple ones. This was not a big problem; however, and I thoroughly enjoyed creating this Twitter thread as it was something I would recommend to anyone looking to try something different in their next assignment. Without further ado, enjoy my Twitter thread by clicking on the link below!

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