Digital Ghosts in the Classroom

I chose to look at the article, “Digital Ghosts in the Modern Classroom” by Ashley Hinck. A link to the article:

Digital Ghosts in the Modern Classroom

The main focus of this article is that though we are trying to push students towards becoming their own creators and innovators, we are not completely moving away from the standardized model because of the platforms and websites we choose for them to work with. For example, through the use of templates such as Canva, we are still continuing the traditional school culture, where the authority is placed on the teacher and the app’s hand. Because of the limited number of open spaces for student work, and less opportunity for exploration, we are gearing students towards the model of having one “correct” method of creating. Hinck also points out that even when we try to move away from these websites and templates, it continues to crawl up in student work, as they draw on their past experiences from within their school work and their digital world. One of the key issue is that students are used to everything being done for them so easily, that having to start from scratch becomes quite challenging for them and the many trial and errors they face is perceived as a failure from their viewpoint.

As a student and a future educator, I do agree with the article’s perspective. However, I do find myself in a bit of a contradiction as to where I stand on this issue. I am the type of person, though I believe can be quite creative when needed, prefers a guided model or a beginning tool, to help me get going and get creative. By bringing up that point, I do not necessarily agree that using these websites align with standardized education model, since the argument is that they are continuing to narrow down student creativity and exploration. I believe a good balance of guidance, with the opportunity to make your own creation is an important factor in ensuring we can meet the learning needs of every type of student. I personally was and still is, the type of student who would be completely lost and have a brain fart if I were given no template or platform to help me get started.

Below is the link to my infographic.

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