Digging Deep into the Digital World – KAYLA FRANCO

The medium Mind Mup was used to create a mind map to represent the main ideas and reflection of the article Digital Ghosts in the Modern Classroom by Ashley Hinck. The article discussed the importance of digital technology in not only the classroom but also beyond that in future careers. Thus, it is important to integrate these technological skills in the classroom at young ages to help build them through the years. As we all know, the world is becoming more and more technologically innovated and dependent. The main idea of the article was to show how the students use technology – drag and drop with a series of laid out steps with little failure and in reality this is limiting students in their creativity with their linear thinking as they look for the ‘right answer’. The article proposes a shift to a new pedagogical ideology to inspire makers, creators and thinkers through a change in this linear process and the use of trial and error.

Through my own experiences with this application, I can understand where the article is coming from. Although the medium’s final product turned out successful, there were limitations to such an application. There was no option to change the font colour or font type. Although you could change the size, background colour, and line formatting (style and colour). When attempting to insert images, there were difficult to maneuver around the page. Once getting the images on, I realized that I could not export the file as it was too big and the application wanted money to buy the full application. Therefore, in the end I exported the file without images and used another application, Photoshop to add photos to my mind map. The limitation with using two applications was the text is slightly blurry upon zooming in.  Through this application, it limited my creativity and options in creating a mind map.

As an educator, I think it is important to foster creative thinking and individuality rather than limiting our students. I encourage both failure and successes as this allows for the learning to happen rather than a linear approach that gives the desired answer. The shortcut template website/platforms are becoming over depended upon as they reduce creativity, imagination and openness. Students are becoming less tech-literate as they depended upon these pre-programmed and developed programs to help with the easy way to find a solution. Although these platforms do have value for students with IEPs and learning difficulties as it offers the framework to follow. This can help to reduce frustrations and allow students to express themselves. This article related to the debate of standardized versus authentic education which shows the revolutions to embrace student/learner differences and personalized learning. Ultimately, as educators we need to encourage students to be more open and make their own choices to become MAKERS and CREATORS.

Technology is becoming more and more apart of everyday and as educators we need to go with these technological innovations rather than against them. Technology is a great tool and asset in the classroom that can help to foster creativity and ours makers/creators.

Article: http://hybridpedagogy.org/digital-ghosts-modern-classroom/




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