Explore the Unexplored of Digital Skills

Link to the article: http://hybridpedagogy.org/digital-ghosts-modern-classroom/

Click the link to see my multi-media image in larger form: Photography Course Mind Map-2

I used the medium of Canva to represent the ideas of the article Digital Ghosts in the Modern Classroom by Ashley Hinck. In the form of a mind map, I looked at the digital skills in the classroom and expressed my opinion on the concept of digital skills. In the world today, I think that digital skills are needed for future careers. Throughout my job history I have had to use digital skills at every job, whether it was working the register, entering information into spread sheets, making advertisements, digital skills were needed. Yes, digital skills are important but students need to understand there is more to digital skills then their assumptions of drag & drop, laid out steps, little chance of failure, they need to see the creativity behind the scenes and in my opinion the best way to do this is for the students to be hands on and active in the creating process. Growing up where the push of technology just started, I did not learn creativity through technology but I feel there is great ability for students to be the makers while using the digital sills. I like that there are platforms out there to help in various ways, templates and so on, for me these are extremely helpful, but I also can see and understand how the students are not gaining the creativity they need by using these platforms. I have personally seen that creativity is absent in the classroom, through a video assignment I assigned in one of my practicums, most students stayed inside the box and used exciting templates rather than creating their own ideas.  I strongly agree that leaving behind platforms can help the students creativity. Today’s technology has taken out a lot of the creativity for the students because of the platforms being used, we need to throw the creativity back into the schools.


Ashley Evans


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