– Professional Knowledge

During my 2021 placement, I got the opportunity to teach a variety of subjects such as Health, Gym, Art, Literacy but the subject I taught the most was Math. During this time, I was able to progress with students throughout our unit while taking note of their strengths and weaknesses in the lesson. Many of the students were extremely driven to learn and progress in their academics as there was constant want for extra practice worksheets following a lesson or in preparation for a unit test. The artifact above is one of many extra practice worksheets I would create for the students whether the whole class wanted further practice or just one student.

Since the unit of measurement was introduced at the beginning of my placement I had plenty of time to understand student learning and how to develop their skills throughout our classtime. To develop my professional knowledge I understood that not all students understand and break down a concept as easily as other students and may need a different approach to comprehend the information. Although extra practice worksheets were given for students to complete individually during free time or home-time, I realized not all students benefitted from this method of practice. Thankfully, I was able to connect with other students through different methods such as using base-ten blocks, using shape blocks, and using real-life objects to explain measurement from a different perspective. After completing the unit of measurement, I was beyond happy with the results and progression of student learning in my classroom. Many students exceeded their average grade on the unit test and thanked Mr. Mousseau for helping them learn the concept of measurement.

Attached is one of many extra practice worksheets I created for the students during our math unit’s to provide further instruction on area and perimeter.

The following three attachments are the final experiment I completed with the grade 6 class following the completion of our data management unit. Through this experiment, students were able to become familiar with the collection and analyzing data, organizing and graphing data in appropriate tables and graphs, finding the measures of spread and central tendency, as well as reflecting on their observations and explaining conclusions from our collected data sets.