Leadership in Learning Communities

This is one of five standards of practice in the Ontario teaching profession that references the promotion and participation in creating a supportive, safe and collaborative learning community.  This is where educators understand and affirm the responsibility to facilitate student success and take a leadership position towards this end.  In addition to this, educators adhere to and uphold the principles of the ethical standards in these learning entities. 

April 2019

Each year since it’s inception, I have had the distinct privilege of being involved with the local public-school board 1st ever of its kind in Canada (STRIVE) initiative.  This is a symposium involving students in grades 7-8-9 relating to self-advocacy and their individual exceptionalities, in an effort to better understand who they are as learners and to become advocates for their learning needs.  I was invited to speak to the parents of the attendees in a plenary session.  My contributions also extended to producing and designing parent and student booklets, which were distributed at the event of well over 700 in attendance.  In addition, I was responsible for the creation, planning and execution of an art showcase/exhibit with artwork collected from the exceptional learners attending the conference.  This relates to this particular standard as it shows my commitment, use of time and talent in a leadership role that facilitates student success. 

May 2020


So pleased to receive the news that my submission to the UWill Discover Conference was accepted and was slated to be presented on March 31 to April 2, 2020. Although the conference was unable to move to a full-presentation scenario, my abstract is featured on the University of Windsor website in the 2020 list of UWill Discover abstract authors. It was a distinct honor and I hope to continue the work with advocacy for diverse learners in every educational avenue I’m privileged to travel.

July 2020

Some fellow teacher candidates have approached me for some tutorials and professional development on how to create digital interactive classrooms for which I was happy to oblige. I created a tutorial in video format as well as provided a sampler of digital elements for a make-and take style of professional development. I have found that PD is best served in a conversational, hands-on format rather than a lecture and presenter style. Perhaps that is because the same clean pedagogy that is best for student learning, also translates into other learning environments as well. Sampler kit here: Link here: https://uwin365-my.sharepoint.com/:p:/g/personal/harrisy_uwindsor_ca/EV6WwTqh6DhPj5wBBf-7IzABaiF8R99Z0TxXrHbQmwObkA?e=cmYZnr

PowerPoint Interactive Classroom complete with video tutorial. Link: https://youtu.be/jbRzbIVF2xI

May 2021

STRIVE 2021 was offered this year virtually due to COVID pandemic challenges. I was again privileged to be part of this annual endeavor that provides a plethora of activities, keynote speaker and breakout sessions for students in grades 7-8-9 promoting self-advocacy as it relates to learning exceptionalities. Students got a chance to connect with other students, understand themselves as learners which in turn will help them better advocate for their individual learning needs. This year provided a chance to be part of the planning and coordinating portion of the event and I felt deeply honored to be sitting at the virtual committee table with seasoned leaders and educators who give of their time and talent putting on such a large scale event to help as many students as possible. In this virtual instance, caps on registration were able to expanded to include significantly more students than previous years. Although COVID has had negative consequences, we have been able to capitalize on some positives and that will undoubtedly expand STRIVE in future years to include a virtual component that allows for greater accessibility.