Commitment to Students & Student Learning

Here is an assignment I created for my Music Methodology course. It is in the format of a mini lesson:

Music Mini Lesson

This lesson is important, because it teaches students the importance of the different elements in music and their ability to alter the tone of music. In this lesson, students learn how to incorporate dynamics into a well-known nursery rhyme. The song is fun and develops students’ vocabulary, as well as teaches them to manipulate music to create various effects. Creating this mini lesson taught me that it is often easiest to teach concepts through demonstration and allowing students to participate to ensure their learning.


Here are just some of the visual charts I have created to assist students with their learning and to introduce new concepts. I have found that it is most beneficial to create the charts with students guiding the learning.

These are the charts that I created for my practicum in a grade 3 classroom. I introduced summaries for fiction texts. I found that students really appreciated having a graphic organizer to utilize when organizing their ideas. We did a lot of idea organizing and summarizing together to practice.


Below are some of the charts created for the Geometry Unit I taught in my grade 3 practicum. On the day of the Math-a-thon, one of the various math centres was one that asked students to recreate shapes on the Geoboard app on the iPads. Students really enjoyed using the iPads to practice math!


When I first introduced Forces Causing Movement to the grade 3s, in one of the first few classes, I had students practice determining whether their muscular forces were pushes or pulls by demonstrating in a charades-type of activity! Students were provided time to come up with actions that portrayed pushes and/or pulls and have their audience guess the action and force(s) used. Here was the success criteria for this activity:

I taught students in fifth grade how to create a plot graph using information from our Novel Study on the novel, ‘Number The Stars.’ Here are the anchor charts  I used to support their learning.

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