My Personality


After completing the Big 5 Personality Test, The Myers-Briggs Model, The Grit Survey, and the PERMA Test, I now have a better understanding of my personality as well as the strengths and weaknesses my personality gives me.

On the Big Five Personality Test, I scored lowest in the Extraversion category. I agree with the test results and realize that I am not very assertive or sociable in some situations due to my shyness and not having a lot to say. I acknowledge that this is a weakness especially in the business world because as a leader, onAAEAAQAAAAAAAAJ5AAAAJDVkYmY4YTkyLTgzMmMtNGYxMy04NGUxLTYyMTM2ODAyNDVhMQe must have proficient communication skills and be able to inspire people through their words. However, I believe that I do take a commanding role when I am in teams even though I am quiet because I say what needs to be said; and my colleagues recognize that I am a competent leader. I strive to strengthen this category by being more assertive when I am talking in a team environment, as well as finding alternative ways of inspiring people such as leading by example. I also agree with the fact that I scored high in the Conscientiousness category, and low in the Openness-to-Experience category. I believe these two categories reflect each other because I am a very organized and determined person who loves strict schedules, order, and hard workers. However, this love of order causes me to be cautious and traditional which can be weaknesses in the business world because an effective leader must be able to take risks as well as adapt to their surroundings. My goal is to work on my adaptability to sudden changes in situations while keeping my high self-discipline.

After completing the Myers-Briggs Model, I found out that I fall within the INTJ personality type (Introvert, Intuitive, Thinking, and Judging). These results coincide with my Big Five Personality test scores. As an introvert, I am more internally focused and constantly think about new ideas which is both a strength and a weakness because although I may find new ways to solve problems, my people skills may be lacking. As an intuitive person, I tend to look towards long-term goals as opposed to the present problems. I personally think this is a better waINTJwordley of thinking because the long term well-being of an organization (or anything in general) is more important than the short term, even if the short term option seems more rewarding at the time. I do acknowledge however that I must not ignore the facts of the present because without short term well-being, there cannot be a long term. As a thinker and a judger, I look at the world in a logical, practical way and plan my decisions carefully before going through with them in an organized approach. The strength in that way of thinking is that I can make rational decisions and follow a set plan on how to get things done. However, when making decisions, I should work on keeping my options flexible so can adapt to my surroundings as well as take into consideration my values and morals so that I may not perform unethically (just because a decision can make you the most profit, does not make it the most logical decision).

Upon completing the Grit Survey and the PERMA Test I saw that I had a high score on the Grit Survey and mostly low scores on the PERMA Test. This gives me confirmation that I focus on the long term, and will do whatever it takes to achieve my goals; but it also tells me that I need to work on myself internally in some areas so that I may have the confidence to inspire and lead people from the inside out.

I have encountered a great understanding of my very own personality. All of my tests have displayed results that all connect within each other. As I develop into an authentic leader it is extremely important that I take advantage my strengths I have, to benefit those who surround me.

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