While serving as a vice-provost and secretary of the Senate, I served on the University of Windsor Senate and chaired two of its standing committees (Senate Steering Committee, Senate Student Committee). I also served on various subcommittees and task forces. As an associate professor in the Faculty of Education, I have served as a member of the Faculty Council for the past decade. I participated in the annual selection of the President’s Medal recipient and the University of Windsor Rhodes Scholarship nomination process.
It has been my pleasure to support educational policy and planning initiatives by serving on several teaching-related committees, including:
- Aboriginal Education Council (co-chair)
- Academic Integrity Committee (chair)
- Advisory Committee on Internationalization (chair)
- Articulations Committee
- Co-op Committee (chair)
- International Student Retention Working Group (chair)
- NSSE Working Group (chair)
- Outstanding Scholars Advisory Committee (chair)
- President’s Advisory Committee on Mental Health
- Student Use of Technology in the Classroom and in Exams Working Group (chair)
- Working Group on Sexual Assault and Sexual Misconduct (chair)
For twelve years, I provided leadership in several key areas, including enrolment management, internationalization, and student affairs. I supported the development of:
- An array of services in support of internationalization (International Student Centre, Centre for English Language Development, Writing Desk), international student recruitment and retention, and academic partnerships with international universities
- Development of a one-stop Student Success Centre
- Placing the vice-provost’s office in the CAW Student Centre and ensuring the vice-provost (and dean of students) was at the centre of the student experience
- Enhancing the Outstanding Scholars program and created a process for mentoring and selecting Rhodes Scholars and President’s Medal candidates
I also advocated for experiential learning, supported the accreditation of all our cooperative education programs, and laid the groundwork for a comprehensive external study and the creation of the new Co-op, Career, and Employment Services Office.
In 2020-21, I served as project director for the virtual SSHRC/University of Windsor-funded Teaching Culturally and Linguistically Diverse International Students in Open or Online Learning Environments: A Research Symposium, which resulted in 652 registrants attending and 103 authors from 43 countries presenting academic papers.
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