Mentoring students has long been one of my top priorities.
While vice-provost, I mentored students across the extra-curriculum in these areas:
- Student government leaders (University of Windsor Students’ Alliance, Organization of Part-time University Students, Graduate Student Society)
- University of Windsor Chapter of the Golden Key International Honor Society
- World University Service of Canada Windsor Chapter;
- Model United Nations Club
- Nursing preceptor students
I supervised both academic integrity and student conduct. In this capacity, I mentored students through some of the most difficult student moments. For many, however, I could guide them to returning to good academic status and student success. It was also my privilege to mentor students as they experienced trauma during their student years, which included mental and physical health challenges, sexual misconduct, and the death of other students.
I currently serve as an academic counsellor for the Concurrent Education Program and as a graduate thesis supervisor in the Faculty of Education, where I supervise both M.Ed and Ph.D. students. Currently, I supervise fuve M.Ed. students and six Ph.D. students. I also supervise several undergraduates engaged in undergraduate research including Outstanding Scholars, MITACS Globalink Interns, and course-based M.Ed. students.
For the past six years, I have taught a Concurrent Education course, Teaching and Learning Part Two, which supports the Concurrent Education Mentoring Student Experience program. One of my research groups is currently identifying, with support from a SSHRC Explore Grant, the educational outcomes of this initiative.

Dr. Smith with Bohui (Hollie) Liu and her M.Ed. thesis committee after her successful M.Ed. thesis defence

Dr. Smith with Mitacs Globalink Summer Interns

Dr. Smith receiving the Distinguished Service Award from the Organization of Part-time University Students
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