Standards of Practice

Ongoing Professional Learning 

Speaking the Languages of School Aged Children

This Professional Learning Event was a way to teach educators of young children tools for cooperation, inclusion and participation through exploration of physical activity. This event also included advice on classroom organization, highlighting student achievement and programming.

Learning Art Techniques

As a teacher it is important to be constantly learning and developing new ideas to grow as an educator. This was an art lesson that I participated in to learn about new techniques and creative ways of teaching art in a classroom. This is a simple art lesson that could be used in most primary grades to teach fine motor skills and foster creativity.

Professional Practice

STEAM Lesson Plan

This is the introduction to a STEAM lesson that I co-planned and co-facilitated with the Math Specialist at the SCCDSB. This was a letter we wrote from Santa to the class that was intended to get them excited about their new STEAM activity , which was building and designing a new sleigh for Santa. As a teacher, I knew that my class needed to be excited and interested in a topic before being able to reach their full potential. Therefore, this letter was created to ensure students knew the assignment had a purpose and was something they truly wanted to partake in.

Kindergarten Documentation Panel

A Documentation Panel was developed to make student learning visible and appealing to the rest of the learning community. This Kindergarten Documentation Panel is an excellent way to document student success and student learning through play. The panel explores a group of students developing real world and fine motor skills through a restaurant atmosphere. The panel is directly connected to the Kindergarten Program curriculum and shows how the students are meeting their requirements through play.

Commitment to Students and Student Learning

Early Years Activity Day

This is a photo from the Early Years Carousel Day that I organized and facilitated with a group of teacher candidates in the Faculty of Education Program. We reached out to organization for donations, sent out invitations to schools, rented the facility, organized parking, developed educational activities and gave families a day of educational learning and togetherness.

Language Arts Lesson Plan 

This is lesson plan that shows my commitment to students and student learning. I designed the lesson to incorporate differentiation and different learning styles to ensure that all students had equal opportunity to learn the material.

Leadership in Learning Communities

Coaching OVA Travel Volleyball

Aside from in class teaching, I coach a 14U Girls OVA team. I like to stay active in the community by volunteering my time with the local volleyball club that I use to be apart of growing up. This has been a very rewarding experience because I had the opportunity to give back to the club that has made such an impact on my own volleyball career, helped me grow as a teacher and become a better volleyball coach.

C4S Reference Letter

Connecting4Success Mentor – I mentored a first year university student by providing her with guidance and leadership throughout her first year of Psychology at the University of Windsor. I helped her become familiar with the campus, chose appropriate courses, get involved in extra curricular activities, provided guidance through courses and assignments, and showed her everything the University has to offer.

Church Volunteer

As a practicing Catholic, I continue to be active within the church community. I have volunteered for Blessed Sacrament Church in Chatham, ON to lead and facilitate the First Reconciliation Retreat, while teaching about the parable “The Good Shepherd”.  I believe that educating students outside of the classroom is equally as important because it helps students view their teacher in a different perspective. Teaching outside of the classroom helps to build a positive relationship and display common interests between an educator and their students.

Professional Knowledge 

Writing Rubric

This is a writing rubric that I developed to go along with a writing and editing lesson in Grade 5 Language Arts. Establishing a rubric ensures students are aware of what is excepted of them in any given task.

Grade 5 Language Unit Bulletin Board

This is a bulletin board that I created for a Grade 5/6 Language Unit which includes a combination of student work, rubrics and overall lesson goals. The board was gradually developed over the course of the unit and added to as lessons and tasks were completed. I believe that bulletin boards that make learning visible are an important aspect to a classroom because it displays student progression and learning processes throughout the unit. This type of board allows students to reflect back on lessons and become aware of what is expected throughout the course of the unit.