Christians mourn in a similar way to anybody else as there is no specific process regarding what surrounds death. But there is one major difference as stated by Paul in 1 Thessalonians 4:13-14
This verse states that Christians should not grieve without hope, in fact they should be grieving with hope! A Christian’s hope and faith comes from believing that since Jesus died and rose again so will their loved ones and even themselves. So mourning for Christians is a lot like the average person, just with a specific set of beliefs behind it.
So are Christian funerals different from other people. Generally speaking Christian funerals are often considered a celebration of life. Family members will share the memories they had with their deceased family member and laugh and even joke about what they are doing in heaven with God. Beyond that the minister will share a message of hope and a favourite verse or message that the family member loved.
Other than that the funeral itself is handled in a similar way to the normal as the family can make choices about cremation or open/closed casket for the funeral service. These funerals are often held in a church or place of worship to represent the belief of the deceased family member.