Author Archives: wolfs

Collaboration: More Brain’s Makes Less Work

Ever wonder how some people are able to come up with great ideas? Or have you ever said to yourself “jeez I wish I would have thought of that”. Or maybe it was even “hey I’ve thought of that idea before. Chances are you’ve been in one of these situations, and you’ve come to the right place if you would like to learn more about how you too can generate great ideas. As future teachers a lot of us want to be up to date with the latest technology for the classroom. We want the best for our students and to be able to provide them with as much opportunities for learning as we can. But are you stuck on how to do this or even where to begin? You might be saying to yourself what’s a PLN (personal learning network) and how do I create one? Well in order to build a PLN you need to collaborate and share knowledge with others from within, across and between disciplines. We want to use technology to enhance and build international connections with others by posing and solving problems together. Ultimately to strengthen the way you teach and how your students learn in the classroom.

Sketchnote of Collaborator Module by Ontario Extend

For my artifact I chose to try a sketchnote. I’m not going to lie this took me forever to do. Being a perfectionists and drawing do not mix well. Needless to say my fingers were blistering by the end with the amount of time i’ve erased things. So unless you like to draw and you find it therapeutic then doing a sketchnote is for you! Anyways there are four main points to hit when creating your PLN which are; EXPLORE, ENGAGE, EXTEND and EMPOWER. Let’s dive in and take a deeper look into this module.


In the EXPLORE section Steven Johnson created a video on the idea of ‘Where Good Ideas Come From’. The main takeaway is that great ideas take time they don’t just happen overnight. It requires multiple ideas (small hunches) to come together to form one great idea. As we come across new ideas and information from other people this helps our own knowledge grow and guide our brains to new ideas.


Next comes ENGAGE, this section highlighted a YouTube video called ‘Overview of Connectivism’ where Dr. George Siemens came up with this term to introduce people to the concept that ideas are related to learning and networks. This section stresses the importance of collaborating with others through different social media platforms. By collaborating with people all over the world online we are able to share experiences, learn from others and build our own knowledge.


Then it is EXTEND, now that you’ve gathered some information from others and their opinions, it’s time to explore your own interests. But beware of filter bubbles. These filter bubbles are like algorithms. In a TED Talk by Eli Parser he explains how these filter bubbles effect how we view the world. All social media platforms use them so beware of biases and try to extend your knowledge from all points of view before making a decision. I think we can all recall an experience where we were looking up something on the internet and the next day an ad pops up for it. These are the algorithms and they like to show you only your interest so biases can develop because of it.


Finally, EMPOWER! This is all about personalizing your PLN. As you continue to use your PLN and explore in greater depth. You will then begin to think about how you can take what you learned and apply it to the classroom. Try to inspire others, give back and most importantly never stop learning! In conclusion I’m a very introverted individual. I struggle with doing group work and completing assignments with other people because I have the mentality of wanting to do it all myself. If there is anything teacher’s college has taught me, it’s to learn how to work with others and their opinions. I’ve learned by working with others your own knowledge and opinions grow. You move away from your own biases and learn to see things from another perspective. The collaborator module helps you learn the skills you need to apply them to the classroom as a teacher and hopefully to get your students to start thinking and learning the same way.

Teamwork makes the dreamwork Squad roll out!!

Lack of creativity: who’s to blame?

For this assignment I worked with Ashley Hinck’s article “Digital Ghosts in the Modern Classroom”. I chose to make an infographic using Canva. 

The main message the author portrayed from the article was that students only know the bare minimum when using these shortcut/ template platforms which can inhibit their creativity. When there is a lack of creativity this can lead to students taking less risks and just doing the bare minimum to follow with what the teachers’ expectations are. A lot of students want to step-by-step directions on how to succeed. These shortcut templates help with that because they are drag and drop methods and are easy to use. If students just complete what is asked of them, they’re less likely to “think out the box” to help enhance or open up their creativity side.

This led me to question teachers.  The author stated how teachers need to show students their own failures through trial and error.  Teachers are role models for students, they need to explore new technologies to present to their students to help enhance their learning. Of course, it’s easier to stay in your comfort zone and use the templates/platforms were all used to and trust, but where’s the creativity in that? Times are changing, there is frustration when using these new platforms and they may be more time consuming especially when learning how to use them, but I believe that more positives can come out of it. Students are so scared of being wrong because the education system have told us time and time again that wrong answer are not accepted. That alone tells students to play it on the safe side.  In the digital world there should be no wrong answers, students should see that failure can be a good thing and it leads to growth.

Never a failure always a lesson!

This was my first time using Canva. In my past experiences my teachers have used the more traditional platforms like PowerPoint, and that’s all I’ve ever used in my projects. I rarely had the option to show my creative side with a lot of assignments, especially when a lot of them are essays. Before I started using Canva I YouTube a tutorial, so I had an idea of what I was using.  It has multiple platforms you can use like presentations, social media (Instagram), poster, flyers, cards etc. I think it was easy to navigate and use, and everything is well organized and easily laid out. The big learning curve I had was although tutorials are great to get you started when learning new platforms, it’s really not the same until you start using the platform yourself. This platform was a little limiting when I was using it.  Since I was using the free version you’re limited to certain photos, templates, stickers etc. I found this limited your creativity a bit. It also gives you the option to start from a blank sheet or use a template.  Templates can be nice to start you off, but it’s frustrating when you’re stuck to a certain layout and can’t design anything the way you want it.

Overall, I fell in love with Canva. I’m slowly realizing that times are changing, students have a lot of behavioural issues. They need to be taught in a way that is engaging/ interesting so that you can help enhance their learning.  Since I’m going into the teaching profession these new digital platforms are something I will start adding to my practice.

Thanks for reading!