Author Archives: odisho

Technology in the Classroom

1) As an educator, the effects of our teaching on others is limitless. We possess the power to mold and shape society through our students. Which is why we owe it to them to provide the knowledge and skills necessary for them to be successful. #uwindig #ontarioextend

2) We as teachers are responsible for unlocking the potential of our students. Except, when the world around us is constantly evolving (especially in technology), it can become rather difficult. As we must also evolve in order to stay effective in our teachings. #uwindig #ontarioextend

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3) Now let me ask you, have you ever heard of digital literacy? If not, let me inform you! It is ultimately the ability to effectively use technology to communicate with the world around you. #uwindig #ontarioextend

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4) Get excited because it’s time to learn the importance of incorporating digital literacy in our classrooms! There are so many benefits, including the capability to overcome various learning challenges that may arise. As well as allowing students to gain more independence through properly being able to locate and analyze information online by themselves. #uwindig #ontarioextend

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5) Now I never said any of this would be easy, so i’m going to share a little secret with you. Only if you promise to do one thing that is, which is share the information I provide with all your fellow educators. Now that you’ve promised, let me introduce you to the Technologist Module! It is free to use and offered by E-campus Ontario for anyone to use! #uwindig #ontarioextend

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6) The module will teach you all about the use of technology and how to effectively implement it in your classroom. So get ready to enrich the learning experiences of your students as we start with the design thinking process! It is a 5 step approach to generating new ideas and goes in the order of: 

Empathize, define, ideate, prototype, and connect. #uwindig #ontarioextend

Technologist Module Design Thinking Process

7) We start off by empathizing with our learners. When you’re creating something for others, it has to be made with a focus on them (in this case their learning abilities). Which is why it is important for you to understand them, so you can cater to their needs. I would suggest designing a survey to better get to know them, or the empathy map! #uwindig #ontarioextend

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8) Now we move onto defining our learner challenge, this step is probably the most important. Using the results of the prior step, you should now be locating and determining  the core problem before attempting to solve anything. As I would imagine it to be very difficult to find a solution if you didn’t first know the problem. Additionally, don’t be afraid to challenge yourself, you can do so by accessing the padlet on the website! #uwindig #ontarioextend

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9) Onto the third step, we have Ideate! This is one of my favourite parts, as this is where you get out all your best approaches towards a possible solution. Here, mind mapping is your best friend. You can use this tool to plot all the characteristics available and select the most appropriate one. #uwindig #ontarioextend

Mind Map Guidelines

10) Nearing to the end, we now have to prototype. Using the selected technology, we will experiment with a rough model of what we hope to create. From that, we will then use the results to adjust and improve, so that the final product is as effective as can be. #uwindig #ontarioextend

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11)  For those who may be a little uncertain in how to begin, I would suggest locating the section named “The How To’s” on the website. By choosing a technology that is found on the list, you will be provided with access to tutorials and activities that will aid you in the beginning process. #uwindig #ontarioextend

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12) Last but not least, connect to your curriculum! We’ve talked a lot about implementing technology in our teachings, but how do you plan on doing just that? What’s your plan? This thread has given you the puzzle pieces, and now it’s time for you to put it all together! #uwindig #ontarioextend

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13) I would like to briefly mention that there is also another learning module you may want to check out. It is called the collaborator module, you can find it on the same website and I guarantee it will be a similar learning experience. As well as improve your teaching approaches. #uwindig #ontarioextend

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14) I know trying new things can be scary, especially being an educator, we are usually the ones doing the teaching. So when the roles are reversed, we might get a little nervous. Well here’s a reminder that you are more than capable, no one knows your students like you do, you are the best person for the job. #uwindig #ontarioextend

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15) This is it guys, we have officially reached the end of thread. As sad as it is for me to say goodbye, I truly hope you’ve found the information I provided useful. As well, left with a greater understanding of digital literacy and its ability to assist you in the classroom. #uwindig #ontarioextend

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Ghost Hunt

Digital Ghosts in the Haunted Classroom

Students created the product that the teacher wanted and they count it as the right answer. Worksheets, templates, digital media, and multiple-choice tests are often at the heart of this kind of learning. They leave behind worksheets and templates and take up different technologies that encourage exploration, open-endedness, and experimentation. The assumptions and expectations of those worksheets and templates linger on in the classroom, affecting students’ expectations of learning and approaches to it.

Professional technologies like image editing software, HTML/CSS require students to make font, color, and size choices themselves, inviting students to retain agency and exercise control over the program. As critical digital pedagogues, we often analyze the technologies in our classroom, the structure of our lesson plans, and our relationships with our students — how the desks and tables are arranged or how our learning management system controls learning. We don’t often turn our attention to the technologies that are absent from our classrooms. Shortcut/template platforms and websites, even when absent from our classrooms, they affect student learning. Instead, we should help students move from users of shortcut/template platforms to makers, creators, and speakers in their own rights.

 We might help students redefine “good learning” apart from the banking concept of education reinforced by their experiences with the web — to give students explicit permission to try and fail and revise. For example: this semester, students shared critiques of school culture with students, helping them to see the pedagogical choices clear the vision for learning where students embrace. Students look forward to joining students in reflection about our individual and collective personalities in relation to participatory to social culture.

 Social culture:  Students are used to seeing themselves as makers, creators and speakers.  They can find their own effort and those identities.  Students should know how they can claim them for themselves. Students should know about the right technologies and how they offer them these identities. They can motivate how their technologies steer them away from these identities. They might re-imagine digital media making and learning. They should fix up cultures and tradition for personal identity.

Overall, analyzing the differences between various media platforms can enhance students overall judgement and personal growth within the classroom. Utilizing a variety of resources within the classroom can assist with various types of learning and allow students to prosper in their best learning environment. Allowing students to be in control of different medias within the classroom can expand the lesson and allow them to retain information in their respective learning style. In order to assist with students finding and handling their own identity, I recommend utilizing a wide variety of resources that promote the futures next makers, creators and speakers- as they continuously strive to build their own platforms. In addition, this will allow the students to critically think of the repercussions of the influence of social culture towards their progressive learning.