Author Archives: Shae-Lyn

Don’t stick to the status quo – explore technology!

For this multimedia assignment, I explored the Technologist Module from eCampusOntario. I enjoyed going through the module, and found it relevant to this course, and to teaching in general. The module serves to improve digital literacies, as it guides educators through selecting technologies to address learner-centred challenges, and to enrich learning experiences. The module encourages educators to find what digital literacy means to them, then provides a step by step guide following the design thinking approach. 

In relation to my teaching experience, I can appreciate the ideas that this module presents. As a teacher, I was always trying to think about what the students would enjoy, and what they may need to be successful. The empathize section of the module was useful in this regard, as it suggested the use of a mind map. I had not thought about using a mind map for this purpose before, so it was very eye opening.

As a learner, I can understand the relevance of this module. I can recall experiences when technology has been both beneficial, and not so beneficial, within the classroom. The Technologist Module guides educators through defining learner challenges, and finding a solution that is evidence based rather than just a trendy idea. One aspect of the module that I found useful, but did not include in my artifact, was the SECTIONS framework within the ideate section. The SECTIONS framework serves as a guide for educators as they assess their chosen tools, and ensure that they are a good fit. The Technologist Module also provides significant ideas for creating a Prototype, as well as methods to Connect and share your creation.

The SECTIONS framework by Anthony William Bates

After completing a twitter essay for the first assignment, I decided to create an infographic this time around. I used Canva because I have had some experience with it in the past. It has some great affordances as it provides free photos and clipart within the website, as well as templates for infographics. Ultimately, I decided not to use a template, but rather create my own design inspired by the “Technologist Design Thinking Process” visual by Joanne Kehoe, found within the module and pictured below.

While I was comfortable with using Canva, creating an infographic proved to be more challenging than I expected. It required finding a balance between words and images that was visually appealing. I also had to decide how much text to include, and what information from the module was the most relevant. I certainly came out of this experience with new perspectives that will benefit my creative approach in the future.

My approach when creating this artifact was to summarize the key points of the module for the purpose of giving viewers a quick glimpse into what the module entails. I went through the design thinking approach because this is the most practical part of the module that educators would participate in. I also thought it was important to start by outlining some of the overall goals of the module. However, the module itself provides many additional resources to explore digital literacy

Overall, I feel that creating this infographic was a beneficial learning experience. It is definitely something that I would consider having my students do as a future teacher!

Teaching and Learning: Are We Really Doing the Best We Can?

I listened to Chris Friend and Amy Collier’s conversation about Questioning Learning on the Hybrid Pedagogy Podcast. I found this to be a very interesting read, as it touched on many different aspects of teaching and learning. The concept of critical pedagogy is something I will keep in mind as I move forward with my teaching career. I want to be critical of what is thought to be “best practice”, to ensure that I am truly doing what is best for my students.

The idea of “not-yetness” and taking risks is another concept that really intrigued me. As a student, I have previously noticed myself being afraid to be wrong, and hesitant to take risks. However, I do understand that sometimes it is necessary to step out of your comfort zone to improve and grow as an individual.

Going forward as a teacher, I definitely want to create an environment where students may learn to take risks, and try new things, to experience self growth. There needs to be a balance between setting expectations, and allowing students some room to showcase their knowledge in different ways. Ultimately, each student has a unique set of abilities, and as teachers we must provide them with opportunities to show what they are capable of!

I decided to write a twitter essay because I was somewhat comfortable with this technology, however there was still an aspect of challenge. I actually found it to be more challenging than I anticipated! Since there were so many concepts brought up in the podcast, I found it difficult to choose the main points, keep it concise, and create a sense of flow from the first tweet to the last. 

My approach for this twitter essay was to summarize the podcast while incorporating some of my own thoughts along the way. I wanted to formulate the main ideas into a quick and easy read that anyone on twitter could understand. Of course, a few good GIFs always make a twitter thread more interesting! Incorporating these gifs and photos required creativity and a bit of searching to find what I was looking for. Overall, this was a great learning experience, and certainly opened my mind to some interesting concepts regarding teaching and learning. 
