Author Archives: dimitric

Collaboration is Key!

I decided to do a twitter essay on the Collaborator Module. I really enjoyed creating my twitter essay, but I found it challenging at times to stay within the word limit of each tweet. I did have a lot of fun adding in funny memes and gifs, and even took some time to explore twitter. I used to use twitter quite frequently when I was in high school, but then took a break from it while in university. Twitter has changed so much in the past few years, expanding in the amount of users, and giving users new options for users to explore. As a future teacher candidate, I now view twitter from a different perspective, looking at how it can be used in the classroom. I have realized there are SO many benefits to twitter regardless of the subject!

The collaborator module is a module that discusses the benefits of collaboration within the teaching profession, as it promotes personal and professional growth for all. As teacher candidates with minimal teaching experience, we would all benefit tremendously from collaborating with experienced teachers. They can help us out by providing us with a lot of “dos” and “don’ts” within the classroom!

Digital technologies play a huge role in collaboration! Online sources such as twitter, word press, and are just a few of these digital technologies. They allow us to reach more individuals who may have opinions or ideas that differ from our own, building on our ideas and allowing us to make new connections. It is extremely important that we do associate with people who are outside our “filter bubbles” to challenge ourselves, and help us further support our teaching.

I love the idea of being able to connect with individuals all around the world. The world is such a diverse place with so many individuals who hold opinions that differ from one another. As we approach these differing opinions, we are forced to view our own ideas and opinions from a different perspective, which can help us build and improve ourselves. Our ideas combining with the ideas of others can promote the formation of larger, more success idea.

Collaboration does not always have to take place in an online space! It might even be more difficult for teachers who are not particularly familiar with technology to navigate these spaces. In my most recent practicum I was able to observe the benefits of collaboration between teachers. There was a teacher in the science department who was teaching a locally developed class for the first time. My associate teacher had taught the course before and gave her all the resources he had used. Having support from other teachers is extremely helpful in cases like this one!

Collaboration is something that can be difficult for people who tend to be more shy, and afraid to ask others for assistance. Those that are not the best at delegating tasks and sharing their work may also stray away from collaboration. I think it is vital that we all keep in mind that teaching is a profession that encompasses the word “collaboration”. As we help one another we are able to unlock our potential to be the best teachers we can be.


After reading the article “Digital Ghosts in the Modern Classroom” by Ashley Hinck, I decided to create a sketch-note.

This is an image of the sketch-note I drew.

In her article, Hincks discusses the influence that digital shortcuts/templates have on how students perceive digital media, and how these shortcuts basically take away creativity. She discusses how when students are given assignments that involve using digital media, they assume that these projects are a simple, series of steps that are clearly defined, and just need to be followed. Students also believe that due to the steps being laid out, digital media projects are prone to failure.

This is a section of my sketch note, where I outlined the negative impact that digital shortcuts/templates have on creativity, and freedom.

I agree with everything Hincks talk about. When I think back to my experiences as a student, every time I was given an assignment involving digital media, I was excited . I always resorted to using powerpoint, which was super quick and easy to use. The provided templates don’t require any thought of colour choice, and make life that much easier. Everything I needed was basically at the click of a button!

Now that I am able to view this situation from a teacher candidate perspective, I can point out how restricting tools like PowerPoint can be. Although students may appreciate how quick and easy these programs can be, they are not requiring students to exercise their creative mind within the classroom. Hincks also talks about how even when these “templates”, or “shortcuts” are not being used in the classroom, the expectations that they have still linger throughout the classroom, influencing decisions that students are making. As current educators as well as future educators, we need to be empowering, and encouraging creativity, thinking, and letting students know that they do have options they are able to choose from. All of the expectations that these shortcuts and templates have made make students feel that failure is not ok. We need to let students know that FAILURE IS A GOOD THING. It is a natural process, and sometimes it even helps unravel a path that we have yet to travelled down.

This is a section of my sketch-note where I outline that having no direction is key for challenging students to use their creative minds to complete classwork and assignments.

After reading this article, I put all of the main concepts into a sketch note. This is the first time I have ever made a sketch note. Now, I am not the most creative person, but I love doodling, and colouring. I did face some challenges on deciding on how I was doing to incorporate drawings into some of the main concepts. It really had to think abstractly. In the end, I’m extremely happy with the way it turned out. I will definitely be incorporating sketch notes into my future classrooms!

Thank you all for reading! I hope you enjoyed my sketch-note!