Author Archives: delaneye

Collaboration: Team work makes the dream work!

I decided to look more in-depth about what the Extend collaborator module had to say. I chose to create an artifact using the key points from the collaborator module because as an educator I believe that collaborating is important to improve your own knowledge and also a way for others to learn from you. I’m not the best when it comes to technology but I decided to challenge myself and share my thoughts through an infographic. 

This module explores 4 sections for online collaborators, it offers ways to explore, engage, extend and empower our personal learning networks through collaborating.

First, we should be exploring what is offered to us. Sharing, connecting and reaching out to as many people as we can, so our ideas can expand. Steven Johnson mentions in his video “ Where Good Ideas Come From” that we seem to disconnect when it comes to collaborating with others; however, the only way for our creative minds to form new ideas is to connect with others and branch off their ideas to create something new. Twitter would be a great app to use in a classroom, it gives your students the ability to connect with others and learn about their views.

world map GIF by Harvard University

Next, it is time to engage, Dr. George Siemens mentions in his video “Overview of connectivism” that “social connection is a process of learning”. This was a key moment that stood out to me because, in my opinion, it sums up what this whole collaborator module is trying to teach us. Connecting and being social with others is a form of learning and gaining new knowledge. I know from experience that when I hear or see someone else’s ideas online or in person, I like to take what they said and form it into my own thoughts so it will keep expanding for future learners. With your PLN’s you have the freedom to share with whoever you feel like and they get to see what you have created yourself.

Next is to extend your knowledge, not only twitter but multiple other digital tools can be used to create and alter our personal learning networks; however, we do not realize what important information is being edited out from our lives. Eli Parser mentions in his Ted Talk “ Beware of Online Filter Bubbles” that filter bubbles are affecting how we view the world. We have to extend our knowledge before we form a final opinion.

Finally, it is time to empower, we are constantly growing and building our personal learning networks, from everything we search on the web, to other people that we choose to learn about. It’s time to focus on your own PLN’s, making it stronger and personalize it any way you want. There are many ways to show your PLN through the use of Twitter, Google drawing, YouTube etc. Share and map out your ideas for others to see and make your personal learning network anything you desire. 

Thanks for reading, 


Are we banishing platforms or are we banishing creativity from our students?

I chose to read Ashley Hinck article: “Digital Ghosts in the Modern Classroom.” I decided to create a sketch note in order to show the main points that were portrayed in Hincks article. I’m far from being an artist but I thought I would challenge myself.

I started my sketch note by writing down in the top left corner “digital pedagogy”. In the beginning of the article Hinck uses her digital pedagogy and explains that the only thing that students know about digital media are the shortcut/template platforms. As a student who grew up in the generation of technology I remember starting off with platforms such as Prezi with the templets being given to me. I feel that the teachers might have recommended these sights because they were “easy” to use. Some teachers also lack in digital technology which could affect how the student learns. Now that i’m older i’ve started to realize that a lot of my work lacks creativity. I chose to create a sketch note, not because I wasn’t sure how to use the other platforms but because I wanted the chance to get creative.  

Students have the fear that there can only be a “right answer”. “Are we really teaching the students to make, or are we teaching them the right way to do things.” ( Hinck 2018) Students follow the directions, to get the right answer, but this is not how they should be taught. Authority is shown in the platforms and the teachers but how can the students open their minds to new things if they are only taught one way? I included the words “banking method”, Hinck talks about how students are viewed as containers. Teachers are filling the students minds with how to do things the ” correct way.” I learned a lot about the banking model of education in my second year of university. I believe that filling our students minds with the “correct way” of doing things could affect how they think in the future.

In the next corner of my sketch note I wrote the words “ choices”, “ experimentation” and “ open space and mind”. Sometimes it can be hard to have an open mind about certain things because you are afraid to be wrong. Teachers should encourage platforms that will give the students more freedom to experiment, for example Photoshop.

Some online platforms limit openness and creativity, I included the words “banish platforms”. We need to move away from platforms that don’t give the students the freedom they need. I also included “makers, creators and speakers”. We want our students to be their own makers/ creators rather than have the platforms and templates take that away. As future educators we should be teaching students to be “makers, “creators” and “speakers”, instead of teaching in a way that shows there is a “right” way.

Hinck doesn’t give up on her students, she is always encouraging them. As a future educator I want my students to see themselves as creative people and that they should embrace their creativity. I also want to teach my students to love themselves for who they are, it’s okay to be wrong sometimes. I hope you enjoyed my sketch note, I had a lot of fun creating it.