The Student Process

What are you drawn too?

For this assignement I decided to use Piktochart and creat a process like, step by step infograph.

Students are drawn to learn new things but learning something new means lots of questions. Ashley Hincks states in her article “Students I work with assume that digital media is: drag-and-drop, a series of well-laid out, linear, and standard steps; and a guaranteed working product at the end with little risk of failure” (Hincks). Her statement is exactly what students were taught to do. We had to follow the rubric and meet the criteria and expectations. Usually based on what the rubric states and what the teacher has asked the students to do, things should be clear. However, the small details are still the things that we concentrate the most on. We follow the checklist to make sure we have everything; it states in the article, students tend to ask, “What font do I use?” “Is that right?” “What’s my next step?” this type of learning has been embedded in our learning process since we were young.

Fast forward into the future, the way of learning is changing. Students are given more freedom on how they want to present their work. Many would think having more freedom and creativity would benefit the students on their learning process, but it only makes them think about it more because they do not believe it is correct. More and more technology is becoming our educational learning platform. By teaching student that there is not only one good answer, it sets them in a better direction for learning and applying their knowledge inside and outside the classroom. We know that technology is everything and that it is everywhere. When we were kids, some of us played with LEGOS. You had the children who followed the exact instructions and then you had the children who dumped the pieces and made something of their own. “Amy Collier points out, building LEGO without directions can invite openness, creativity, and agency”. There is no difference between LEGO’s and the new teaching method. This way of technology sets the tone to turn students into makers, creators and speakers (Hincks).

I hope that some day when I’m a teacher I’ll be able to incoorporate all the new technologies and tools into my classroom. Giving my students a sense of self and worth, giving them the chance to be able to express themselves in their own work.

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