Collaboration of Ideas Using Technology in the Classroom

For my blog post, I decided to create an infographic using Canva to support and summarize the ideas presented in Steven Johnson’s video “Where Good Ideas Come From”. The first main idea in his video that caught my attention was when he said that there are patterns that can be observed when creating environments that support innovation. I thought this was interesting and I wanted to keep listening to the video and learn about these patterns and how I could possibly implement similar strategies into my classroom that would support the same kind of innovation and creativity. In the video, Steven describes the concept of a “slow hunch” which he says is a process that ideas go through over a long period of time in order for those ideas to develop into something great. Great ideas need time to “incubate” and develop. He also talks about how sometimes one “hunch” or idea needs another “hunch” to come together and create something better. The collision of these hunches creates collaboration among individuals who all have great ideas who come together to share ideas and have breakthroughs. 

Modern technology has allowed us to connect and collaborate with other people that we would have previously not had the chance to communicate with which has the potential to create such breakthroughs. Without the technology we have to share our ideas with others, it would not be possible to have some of the amazing ideas, innovations, and access to information which exist today. 

This type of collaboration is essential to our education system. I want my students to feel supported in taking time to develop their great ideas and going through multiple steps in the process to develop meaningful ideas that they can go on and share with others and connect or collaborate with others to further develop those ideas. Collaboration amongst peers in the classroom is beneficial, but collaborating with others from all around the world over the Internet allows students to gain insights and perspectives that they would have never had the chance to consider without the use of technology. This video was a great example of how collaboration can lead to the development of great ideas and is a great video for educators to consider in relation to technology integration in the classroom for the benefit of the student.  

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