Minds On Technology

After reading the Technologist, I made a mind map to help summarize and organize the information. This module discusses the process that teachers should go through when they want to integrate technology into the classroom. As I read through the different parts, I felt that I would now know how to properly plan to integrate technology into the classroom. This guide helps take the guesswork away from know whether technology will be integrated successfully into a teachers lesson and helps restore the teachers confidence in their lesson plan. Educators will be able to implement technology to supplement student learning after reading this module.

Mind Map for the Technologist

I found that making the mind map really help me understand the information. Not only did I have to read all of the information, but the mind map caused me to have to find the key points and summarize the information into a few key points. I ended up drawing inspiration from sketch notes when designing my mind map. Since the module flows in steps, I decided to have my mind map direct the reader to follow the information in a specific order. I did this by including a guiding arrow in the background to show the reader to read the points in the clockwise direction. I also made the key idea clouds progressively change shades. I believe that this allows the reader to gain a better understanding of the order an educator should take when implementing technology into the classroom.

This module explains the steps needed to properly plan technology integration in the classroom. The first step is empathize, and this is where you need to evaluate the needs of the learners, and figure out what their needs are. The next step is define, which is a matter of finding what the challenge will be based on what you previously learned from the students. Once you figure out what the challenge is, you can move on to the ideate step. This is when the educator brainstorms ideas for what technology to use and how to implement it. The fourth step is prototype, which is where you need to do a test and see how it works. This is a great opportunity for feedback. Finally, the last step is connect. This is where the educator needs to make connections to the curriculum. A fun tech activity is only effective if the students learn what they are supposed to once finished. Following these five steps any educator should be able to successfully bring technology into the classroom.


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