Collaboration is Key!


I chose to create an infographic using Piktochart for my artifact summarizing the collaborator module. To take a look at the module itself, please click this link:

The first part of my infographic includes the title and the first section of the module, explaining why we should collaborate with others. I read that “Being open to collaboration is a key to building a personal learning network (PLN)” on this page and that immediately stood out to me as a potential title for this artifact. I narrowed the many reasons to collaborate down to 4 main points: to create and innovate with others, to connect and develop ideas, for teaching and learning growth and to share questions and find answers. I chose to use these points as they have a lot of action buzz words and they stood out as key reasons why I, as a student and teacher, would be drawn to.

The next main section outlined in my infographic is the definition of a personal learning network, as well as features and types of connections a personal can make by creating and maintaining a PLN. I tried to use single words to describe the features/perks of a PLN so I didn’t overwhelm the eye but felt like I had to include a bit of text in the explanation of the PLN, as this concept needs to be very clear in order to understand the module.

Lastly, the bottom of my infographic is a list written over the image of a computer, which I thought was fitting for the section about building a PLN online. This section discusses some tips on researching and opening yourself up to a variety of platforms and opinions to enrich your learning and teaching.

I tried to use visuals that represented unity and togetherness. The puzzle pieces and circle around the “PLN: Make Connections” section both have images of people connecting in order to create the picture. The puzzle pieces are being pushed together by two people, as is the circle made up of people holding hands. I wanted to use these specific images because, when it comes down to it, the collaborator module is providing us with information on how to build a community of people that we can work with, whether it be face to face, through email or several online platforms.

Ironically, I chose the collaborator module but didn’t collaborate with any other minds because instead of choosing a template to build upon, I decided I wanted to start from scratch and use a blank template on Piktochart. As a student and teacher, I find that I am always trying to reinvent the wheel. I want all of my resources to be completely made by me, using my own knowledge and experiences to guide my choices. It is a huge waste of time. There is a part of me that feels so accomplished when I create something ‘from scratch’, which is never completely the case anyway, but I like to think it is. This bleeds into my other jobs and hobbies as a choreographer, drama teacher, etc. I refuse to use someone else’s ideas and resources online and I actually watch dance videos of a song I’m choreographing and make note of which moves are being used so I DON’T use them.

This module has reinforced my realization that my previous way of thinking is ridiculous! When there is information and resources created and accessible to me, I should be using them. I am limiting myself by trying to be ‘independent’. I am one person who has had one set of experiences and it is wrong of me to only draw from these experiences as my students are all unique and have all lived through different things. I need to expand my knowledge and work with others to create more accessible and inclusive lessons that incorporate ideas of both my own and others!


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