Change by Design

Technologist Module Design Thinking Process

“We can’t solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used to create them” – Albert Einstein

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My final response is a reflection on  The Design Thinking Process. I chose to go with a mind map as it is short and straight to the point, and serves the broadest range of students with diverse needs.  A mind map is both interacting and engaging and provides multiple means of representation. I thought of the target audience and saw it best to use a simple and straightforward approach that makes the entire idea easy to understand and relate to. 


I first thought of this idea as I was walking through campus a while back. It is true that a majority of students at any university are average at best, only a few of the students are ever actually brilliant and get all the top grades. The video entitled “The End of Average?! Disrupting the green of education.”   gives an idea of the skewness of the educational system and why so many students are deemed poor and below average. Everyone is different and each of us has a unique learning style. This implies that the learning process should be  personalized to suit individual needs. 

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Design thinking is the form of design methodology that is centered on finding solutions to everyday problems. It is specifically useful in solutions to complex and undefined problems that may not have an orthodox solution. This method works by incorporating numerous group brainstorming sessions in an all out, hands on approach geared toward prototype perfection. Understanding the core principles of design thinking could help in complex problem solving in a wide variety of problems and issues. In addition, this process is beneficial to all types of learners.

Empathize is the first step and always entails empathizing with the problem at hand in order to gain a better understanding of the problem. This could be through consulting experts, observation, and engagement to gain a feel of intent and motivation. 

Define stage involves compiling the data from the previous stage. The observations recorded are used to develop a problem statement that defines the core of the problem. 

The brainstorming and ideation stage is vital in the entire process. Here ideas are generated by the collective. At this point, the problem is well defined and the problem statement provides a guideline for idea formulation. These ideas are geared towards solving the problems identified at the earlier stages. This stage is followed by prototyping.  Here, inexpensive and scaled down models of solutions may be developed to test the effectiveness of specific modules. This stage aims at finding the best solution to the problem at hand. 

 The testing phase puts probable solutions in testing and generates working solutions.

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I believe that the design thinking process has endless positive gains. It simplifies the learning process making it easier for almost any student to internalize concepts easier and retain them for longer. Instructors using this concept could make their lessons more effective in the long run. 

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