I read the article Digital Ghosts in the Modern Classroom by Ashley Hinck. I chose to use an infographic because I have not made something quite like this before and wanted the experience of trying something new. I really liked this format because it allows you to to incorporate different depths of information in a quick format. Your eyes quickly catch the pictures and subtitles and the main idea is quickly conveyed. The infographic format really allows for creativity in how the information is expressed.

Image retrieved from The Blue Diamond Gallery

I can relate to the students in this article. I rely on a set of steps to lead me to one correct answer. This is just the way I have been learning my whole life since I am a science and math student. We have always been given a series of steps to follow, however I can really see the upside to changing this. Allowing students to express themselves and figure out their own path will prevent the school system from killing creativity in students. I like the way that in Ashley Hinck’s class the students use more creativity than what traditional template programs would allow. I believe this is a great way to get students out of their comfort zone and break the mold of the banking model of education. Hinck also mentions how these drag and drop platforms that she characterizes as “digital ghosts” always give the student a working product. This does not allow students to face adversity where they would have to learn from their failures and build upon them. This model Hinck uses is much more relatable to the real world.

Image retrieved from Flickr

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