I saw a Ghost in my old HighSchool *real w/ footage*

I read the article “Digital Ghosts in the Modern Classroom “, by Ashley Hinck. I chose to create an infographic using the website Canva which directly goes against the articles main ideas about the “drag and drop method”. Websites like Canva allow students, like me, to insert their ideas or opinions without the creativity behind making the technical decisions of the platform. For example, in the case of my assignment I was able to choose a template and just insert the main ideas of the article. 

Infographic Created on Canva.com

In today’s education system, I would agree with Skallerup Bessette that the new worksheet may be the short cut/template method. These websites allow for a lack of technical knowledge. While technology is on the rise and fields such as robotics continue to expand students are still not taught programming. As educators, we are preparing students for the unknown, the future can only get more technical and complex, students should be prepared for that reality.

In the way that desks influence classrooms I feel that templates do the same. If a classroom has desks row by row its stunts discussion and thought-provoking conversations. In the same way templates stunt creativity. Hinck describes the drag and drop, students are used to the idea of just inserting their content in the place of some pre-finished work. In some ways, the templates allow for better writing, if a resume template allows for a student to obtain a time job, that should be a good thing. But when it comes to creation, this is where the benefits lower. Students aren’t learning how to invent or create.

The unfortunate reality is the switch to more intense, creative, technical platforms is difficult. Students have become accustomed to the method of drag and drop templates. The other websites listed in the article allow for more freedom and creativity but it seems extremely complex. Students are disappointed and confused when shown how to really create these platforms, unaware of how much work truly goes into creating platforms.

In reality, I hope to teach students to be creative and use technology as an asset. Although the rate of success for using alternative ways of creating these projects is slim I believe the path to creating something from scratch is a valuable lesson. To attempt to move away from the traditional template and towards an unknown future. 

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