For my artifact, I decided to create a Twitter essay. While I’m not an avid Twitter user, I think the platform provides neat opportunities and constraints that make for an interesting presentation. Here is the link:
Below I have the entire thread in a gallery. I apologize for the fuzziness.
To begin reflecting on the platform I used, I must say that it’s a little ironic how drag-and-drop Twitter really is. The searchable gif and image function was very user-friendly and convenient, but took no thought whatsoever. Of course it was my decision as to what to do with the media, but it was really no work on my part. I am possessed by the ghosts.
While I criticize Twitter (at least in regards to this assignment and its themes), I must say the 140 character limit and the multi-media opportunities made it super fun to use. Making sure my point was concise enough to fit that limit, while also honing my ability to add media, made each tweet feel somewhat like an accomplished craft.

Something especially neat was the interactivity of Twitter. While I’m no networked pedagogist, I do think that the comment, retweet, and even poll functions make it a great pedagogical tool with a vast social capacity. I actually once had to argue with a professor over whether Twitter had pedagogical functions or not; I think this artifact has proven me right.
More toward my application of Twitter, I think I used a good variety of images, gifs, and personal visual artifacts of my own. If I really couldn’t think of something to apply, I left it out (all but two had visuals, however). The context and tone of my visuals varies as well, with a good blend of humour and visual aid, I think both of which furthered my analysis.
personal artifact of an Emily Dickinson poem read and re-read non-linearly visual aid of Mihalyi Csikszentmihalyi’s flow pure gold
Overall, I would definitely use the Twitter Essay format again. While I could tell that it was a popular choice from the #UWinDig, I don’t think it was a lazy one. I really think it is an interesting and intuitive tool to convey information, whether casually or pedagogically. Some people and educators really tear apart social media, but if (like the digital ghosts) it is used appropriately, it can have great potential.
Bibliography (by order of appearance in blog) (thumbnail)