Personal Leadership Development Plan
Some People think football is a matter of life and death. I can assure you, it’s much more serious than that.” – Bill Shankley
Whenever people talk about leaders, or leadership I automatically revert my thinking back to Football, and how the leadership of one man creates followers not only on the pitch, but also in the stadium, and all over the world all through the medium of a simple game. And one of my hero’s Bill Shankley typifies what it takes to be this great leader who can unite everyone toward one cause and he does so through pouring every ounce of his existence in to the sport, and people surrounding him cannot help but be magnetized by his passion, and this notion of passion perfectly defines how a leadership vision can come to life, know what defines you as a person and stick with it wholeheartedly.
1. Purpose
Finding your purpose as a leader is the most difficult aspect for me to discover, because it requires full self-awareness and knowledge of yourself, and I do not believe I am at that point, I still have a lot to learn, which is a major contributing factor for why I am currently studying my MBA. But running with the football analogies in the future I want to be seen as a leader that people look to in times of adversity, I want to be the person who leads by example and inspires all others join the cause through my passion and drive.
2. Values
Values are a key instrument and guiding light in any development, and to assess these properly I looked back at my Rokeach terminal values, i.e. those desired future states that my behaviours are based upon,and the top ranked are: An exciting life, Pleasure & Sense of accomplishment, these guiding values may come across as overly conceited, as it does not take in to account the value of others, and this is something I must work on, no one man is an island after all. My instrumental values, i.e. my vessel of behaviours leading to my desired end state are: Intellectual, Independent & Ambitious. It is clear that I wish to set my self apart, do something that will essentially leave my unique mark on the world after i’m gone, and these driving values will be inherent to me in opportunities I pursue.
3. Relationships
As I have have progressed with age, I have been able to separate the difference between an acquaintance & a genuinely strong relationship, and over the years I have gone from having many people around me to a select few close friends. I am always of the belief that who I am is largely defined by who I surround myself with, as these people will play a critical part in my personal growth, I am extremely proud of the people I currently have in my life, and I can see many life long bonds being created during my MBA, that will allow me ton further develop myself.
4. Self-Discipline
Using this trait as a leader was perfectly exemplified to me by Mike Chantler when he said “I would never ask an employee to do anything that I wouldn’t do myself” and by demonstrating such great discipline to the cause Mike works for he demands the respect of all those around him, and it’s what has strengthened him majorly as a leader, this message really resonated with me, and has given me reason to further develop my self-discipline in anything I wish to do, both personally and professionally.
5. Heart
This to me, is the one key aspect, the one piece of the puzzle that I need. I am fully prepared to be a great leader, I am just searching to find something that I can be passionate about, something I can but all of my passion and energy in to and find joy in doing every day. I am sure eventually I will have that “ah-ha” moment, until then I will keep building my other attributes to be fully geared up progress myself at that point.
All of these aspects combine to making me an authentic leader, and without authenticity there is no substance to your leadership, and no enjoyment in doing so, again using Bill Shankley as my reference point. How small an impact would he have had if he didn’t even enjoy the game ? If he had no emotional investment in the club? yes he was a great leader, but he was a great leader because he always did so in accordance with his authentic self. He would not have any impact if he had switched his managerial role to coach a Rugby team for example, because it would not align with his form of authenticity.
Fundamental state of leadership
The fundamental state of leadership, a thought process coined by Robert Quinn, is based on challenging how we typically operate and interact with the world around us, and essentially is about stepping way outside of your comfort zone, and challenging convention. Added to this Quinn emphasizes a message I have conveyed consistently through my previous posts, and that is that you should not be defined, and confined by a certain strength or attribute, the key to effective leadership is adaptability while maintaining true to your authentic self and this is not something that can be simply learnt, it takes time, reflection and experience to fully develop.
When further examining the fundamental state of leadership to my own point in the process, it is clear I am more highly developed in some areas compared to others, which firstly gives me great encouragement in that I can see that I am on the right track to becoming an authentic leader, also that I possess enough self-awareness to recognize where I stand in each of these criteria, but also it gives me clear aspects to concentrate more effort toward and look to develop.
1. Self focused-Other focused
This simply put describes transitioning from putting my own interests ahead of the groups, to putting the groups interest to the forefront of my efforts. This to me is one of the areas that need more work, just looking at my terminal values from Rokeach, it is clear that the needs and wants of others don’t even resonate in my consciousness and my goals are completely self-focused. I need to take more care in appreciating the need for others in my success, I will need the support of my team at various stages, I will need to rely on them, and at other points that paradigm will switch and they will seek that guidance from me, making a concerted effort to do something selflessly for the team is very much something I will need to increase my efforts towards moving forward.
2. Internally closed-Externally open
I feel as part of my natural makeup I am already strongly developed in this area. Throughout my life I have continuously sought learning opportunities from outside my “bubble of existence” through my worldwide travel, and encounters with varying cultures I am definitely not a creature of habit, I seek new views and processes and constantly look to adapt who I am as a person, in some ways this is key to my existence as being internally closed causes me to feel in a rut and stifles my creativity.
3. Comfort centred- purpose-centred
This again is closely tied to my previous point, I have constantly looked to expand my horizons and firmly place myself outside my comfort zone, I have no issue in diving head first in to completely unknown territory, whether that is moving to Kenya and living in the orphanage, or whether it was giving up my steady 9-5 job to pursue my MBA across the atlantic ocean. I thrive on new and exciting challenges, it is a key value I hold in creating a meanwhile life for my self, I am not content with the status quo and look wherever possible to reach out and explore new things.
4. Externally directed- internally directed
Being conscious of what other people may think of me, and how they may judge my actions has always been an inhibiting factor of my behaviour, I at times will bite my tongue through fear of judgement and disrupting the consensus, and this aspect for me is going to be the hardest one for me to change, as as much as I want to live by my own values and stay true to myself, I have a lack of confidence in myself and will too often compromise on my beliefs in order to not cause friction. Continuing through this learning process that I am in through interpersonal dynamics I am becoming more aware of myself and more confident in my abilities, using this will eventually translate in me being entirely comfortable with behaving completely in line with my own values and beliefs.