2013 – Elizabeth Steel Reurink Memorial anti bullying
September 23rd, 2019 – Worker Health and Safety Awareness
Social Justice Conference University of Windsor
Federation Day November 1st, 2019 University of Windsor
June 24, 2020
Silan Sortino
690 Chiddington Avenue London, Ontario
N6C 2W8 sortino@uwindsor.ca
Dear Mr. Sortino:
On behalf of the Faculty of Education, University of Windsor I would like to congratulate you on receiving the Melanie Jane Harrison Memorial Award for Aspiring Teachers. You best exemplified the criteria for this award. I know that you will continue to strive towards the same high standards throughout your teaching career.
We are pleased to recognize your accomplishments by honouring you with the Melanie Jane Harrison Memorial Award for Aspiring Teachers for the 2019-2020 academic year. This award will be disbursed by Student Awards who will send you notification under separate cover that the award has been assigned to your account.
Once again, please accept our congratulations and best wishes for your continued success as a teacher.
Ken Montgomery, PhD Dean
Faculty of Education University of Windsor
cc Dr. Geri Salinitri,
Associate Dean, Pre-Service Education http://Sortino, Silan – Melanie Jane Harrison Memorial Award.pdf
Third Annual Vulnerability and Marginalization in Education Conference January 29, 2021. University of Windsor
C2K Training: Commit to Kids.
Protecting Children. Sexual abuse Prevention Program