VME Conference 2021

any questions

During my two years in the faculty of education, I had the opportunity to take part in the service-learning course: Vulnerability, Marginalization and Education. In this course, we specifically analyzed the education system revolving around vulnerable and marginalized youth and took part in community initiatives to raise awareness and be factors of change locally. This experience was like none other. This year, as a second-year BEd student, I took initiative within my course to participate and volunteer during the annual Vulnerable, Marginalization and Education Conference. During this conference, I was a host for some fantastic guest speakers. My duties included meeting beforehand with the presenters to set up their presentations, welcome them to the virtual conference, introduce the speakers to the audience (which were fellow teacher candidates), facilitate the question and answer period, and support the guest speakers in any way needed. This experience was incredibly insightful and powerful to learn about community initiatives, strategies that I, as a future educator can implement in any classroom and also build relationships with community partners.